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  1. Thank you!
  2. Apologies if this is a duplicate request, I thought I'd submitted a ticket but now can't find it. My account has been suspended for high load. It hosts two pretty simple WordPress websites, so my guess is one of them got hacked. My main domain is joelrputnam.com. Any recommendations for next steps?
  3. I've got a couple sites in my HH account, one I use regularly and one I stopped paying any attention to years ago. I'm trying to get the second one back up and running. My TLD are both operated via namesilo and I've got the same nameservers set for both domains (ns1.heliohost.org, ns2.heliohost.org). The first one (joelrputnam.com) works great, the other (putnamranch.com) says the server can't connect. I'm still not that familiar with Plesk and not sure where to look in the HH documentation. This seems almost certainly like user error on my part and I'm happy to fix, just not sure where to get started. Any advice?
  4. Just found it in my spam folder. Thanks for the heads up! If anyone else is in the same situation, search for an email "Account successfully transferred" from "no-reply@heliohost.org"
  5. Hi there, according to heliohost.org/eta, my account has already been transferred to Plesk. However when I try to login, I still get the message saying "Login Not Available" (the one that starts with "We are in the process of upgrading our servers to use the Plesk control panel right now so you won't be able to log in to existing accounts or create new accounts until this process is done.") I took that originally to mean nobody can log into Plesk until all accounts are transferred, but if I'm reading posts here correctly, that's not the case. My username in heliohost is jptiger0. Is there anything I need to do or should I just sit tight for now? Thanks again for all your work!
  6. JpTiger

    Plesk ETA

    Is there any way volunteers could help?
  7. JpTiger

    Johnny Move

    Just checking in. Don't mean to rush you, we all know this takes time and are really grateful for your work. How's it going over there?
  8. Hi there, I just gave $15 to the GoFundMe campaign. My user name is jptiger0 and the transaction ID is 9KS29852828932202. Could I please have the additional 3000MB added to my storage (I think that'll bring me to 5000MB after previous donations)? Thanks again for doing what you do and best of luck with the rest of the fundraiser!
  9. Will this work? https://imgur.com/RcM7EGm
  10. Got it. Just let me know what info you/he need(s). Thanks!
  11. Hi there, I had my account storage space doubled after donating to the Sparkie GoFundMe last year (4/15/19, I can dig relevant details out from my email if helpful), but it seems to have reverted to 1GB. Could it please be restored to 2GB? Username is jptiger0, primary domain is joelrputnam.com Backstory I think is that I had a prior account with the same usename as I had on these forums (jptiger) with the doubled storage, but it got hacked. I created a new Tommy account under my new username and asked for storage to be doubled, but I suspect my old, hacked account got doubled again instead. Thank you for doing what you do!
  12. Got it. thanks for explaining, sorry for missing that point about usernames earlier. I'll stick with the jptiger0 username then. It appears to be set up. May I have the storage space increased again? I'll likely have to restore WP and my old site in the short term but I'm looking into replacements now. Grav seems promising, though it looks like it requires a newer version of PHP... H'anyway I think that's a discussion for a different forum. Thanks again for your help.
  13. Thanks, it's now working. Just waiting for the account to processed now. When I was trying to pick a username jptiger was taken thanks to my previous attempts. I've used jptiger0 instead-- would it be possible to rename the account without the 0? For the record, I don't know why the links are showing as unused as I did click each of them (more than once, actually- the second time for each of course brought me to pages saying the link was invalid). The first time I clicked each I followed steps 1-4. At step 4 I chose the name "jptiger". Where step 5 would be I was prompted to enter an email address and in the second email complete a reCAPTCHA challenge. At that point I was given a screen asking me to check my inbox for a validation email.
  14. Same thing happened. I actually got emails to two addresses, one starts joe the other jtr (I can dm you if you need the full address from me to identify). Maybe that's why it's kicking me to verification?
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