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Everything posted by lisanet

  1. Hi. Thank you, I got in okay. But the account is still over limit due to somebody spamming my email I guess. This over limit is keeping me out of the email so I can't delete it. I can't delete the account either. Can you raise the account limit so I can get in to correct things?
  2. Clicked on reactivate account from email sent. Window said account is reactivated. Tried to sign in but window said it can't find my account in database. tried to reset password, no response. Couldn't get into account to stop it being suspended because it was over allowance limit. How do I fix this is I cant get access to account?
  3. Hi. Thanks for answering again. I really am sorry to have let that account go like that but at times things got overwhelming for me, in part because I was sick. For a while there you name it and I was dealing with it, death, sickness. Anyway things are looking better now. As soon as I work up the courage, I'm going to try that php stuff.
  4. Hi. Thanks for answering. Yeah, they lied. I knew it.
  5. I posted this somwhere else too but it might be the wrong place to get an answer from. (At least I got in a thankyou.) I checked the server monitor but it didn't really answer my question. I wanted to know if Johnny was down at on Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 2:13 PM If so, would this have affected email? Thanks.
  6. This message is for Krydos. Sorry I took long to answer. When I went to the original topics they were locked. As far as the instructions you gave me goes about forcing https, well, you know how I get freaked out about PHP. I can't do it and it gives me hot flashes just to think about it. Still, if you tell me I can just cut and paste what you wrote, that would be fine. But where? I only ever set hta access (and what is hta?) on the OsCommerce store and you did that for me. I just don't have a clue here. Also, about is other account and IP address well, the account was closed with no way to reactivate it. Since I have the ded. IP address I don't want to lose that. I was thinking of moving another domain or something. I want to get back the original domain but that will take some time. Can I get the IP address back again when I'm ready? And does the IP address cover all the domains in an account or just the domain it's assigned to?
  7. This message is for Krydos. Sorry I took long to answer. When I went to the original topics they were locked. As far as the instructions you gave me goes about forcing https, well, you know how I get freaked out about PHP. I can't do it and it gives me hot flashes just to think about it. Still, if you tell me I can just cut and paste what you wrote, that would be fine. But where? I only ever set hta access (and what is hta?) on the OsCommerce store and you did that for me. I just don't have a clue here. Also, about my other account and IP address well, the account was closed with no way to reactivate it. Since I have the ded. IP address I don't want to lose that. I was thinking of moving another domain or something. I want to get back the original domain but that will take some time. Can I get the IP address back again when I'm ready? And does the IP address cover all the domains in an account or just the domain it's assigned to?
  8. Okay. All done. This was easy enough since auto detection put it to the last known settings. But what about my other account and IP address?
  9. Yes. Going straight to https://2lisanet.com shows no errors. BUT when I go to any other page I get https:// with a red slash through it and then going back to https://2lisanet.com the red slash still shows. Also, I would like 2lisanet.com to force to https without having to type it in.
  10. Hi. Happy New Year and thanks for answering. Actually, that was my guess too. I actually did double check every number, refresh the page and so on but they are the same. BUT this SSL problem I am having is messing up everything. I think this needs to be fixed first, and then I should go back and double check the numbers again. I tried to, well... see the post here: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18041-ssl-broken/page__fromsearch__1 BUT I wanted to recusitate my other IP address since the old domain was lost and the account got canceled. I have three domains on the present account and could move one of them to the other IP. This could affect anything done on the 2lisanet domain so maybe this should be done first? I don't really know but in case..what do you think?
  11. Please help. Somebody...
  12. Okay. I got this. I need to update the template. But can someone fix the other stuff I posted about?
  13. Can someone fix the SSL on my site? It appears to be broken. The host was showing as 2lisanet.com.baskets.tk It was supposed to be 2lisanet .com So I deleted the host, tried to reinstall 2lisanet.com and it wouldn't install. Tried to reinstall the original host and it wouldn't install and now no (https) pages will show up at all. But the certificate will only cover 2lisanet.com/ and when it was installed as .baskets.tk I was getting errors like the https with a red slash through it. Please somebody fix this. (Krydos where are you?) Also, I have a second dedicated IP address with you but the account got cancelled when I lost the domain. What do I do? I have three domains on my other account and could use one of those. Maybe moving 2lisanet would solve all these problems? Help!
  14. Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in/home/hooper/public_html/2lisanet.com/emporium/includes/modules/boxes/az/az_slider.phpon line 83 When I installed a template I got this error message on the store front. How do I make it go away? Is it a false reference to the pictures that come with the OsC installation?
  15. This was originally sent by instant message to Krydos who did it. All of the information is in the posts from about August 3-5, 2012. For some reason this has to be set up again. Can somebody do it if Krydos is not around? My mail for Windows Live has to be reset. All of the information for the set up is here: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID=24352 Thanks.
  16. My site looks fine because I haven't uploaded any pages yet except the index. I have just installed a template on my os Commerce store. Go to 2lisanet.com/emporium to see this. Also, I don't know PHP so I did not understand your answer anymore than I understood the warning line. Can you fix this for me?
  17. Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in/home/hooper/public_html/2lisanet.com/emporium/includes/modules/boxes/az/az_slider.phpon line 83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What does this mean? How do I fix it?
  18. The domain is lisanet.co And yes, the domain expired but I still had my account. I posted about that and was told I could still have the account and the IP anyway so it should not have been deleted. Had I been told I needed to attach a new one, I would have used a different domain.
  19. This account is not showing as suspended but is not showing up i n the database at all. I have a dedicated IP for this account although I have lost the domain to scalpers. The IP is I need the files that were in here. Can you please restore it? Thanks and Happy New Year!
  20. Oh yeah. Hi. I guess it was the license thing like IceT said. But while I have you, can you just describe briefly how to install Hoarde on my account? I tried going to the website and what they described made my head hurt and my mind refuse to address the subject again. It can't be that complicated, not if you thought I could install it. And, do I delete the Hoarde that's already on there? What happens to that? NOTE TO WOLSTECH The Heliohost system does not allow members to arbitrarily sign up for two accounts. I think it tracks your IP address.
  21. Yes, I have permission. Check with Krydos or DJ Bob. Krydos set this up with him. Are you new?
  22. Hey can somebody answer this request with a solution and not another question. If you have a question, please write or post. Do not post your question as a reply to my problem. I see I am not the only person having this problem and everybody else got help, not a question.
  23. After you fixed Johnny, I couldn't log in to my accounts or email. I tried to reset the passwords but that did not work although I did get the confirmation emails. When I entered the code, I just got the same page and an offer to resend the email. usernames: admli and hooper
  24. Okay, I had my question in the wrong forum. When I try to log into Hoade email it says I am unauthorized. I think I need to reinstall it as suggested by Krydos. How do I do this? What about the Hoarde that's already on there? Can I uninstall that to gain more space? Will I have to reinstall my SSL if I do this?
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