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Everything posted by mtpews

  1. Could I get a backup of the files on my server(currently archived) please?, I don't need to unarchive it nor needing a full backup since I don't use anything but some files on my server, thanks!
  2. Just as the title, I have 2 subdomain: http://bltlike.vytxinh.cf/ http://savethis.vytxinh.cf/ and they works fine yesterday, but today I have a DNS look up failed error. It's now okay.
  3. So, currently I'm using python's logging lib (import logging) to log "things" to a file, but the problem is the log file is created in the current directory (cgi-bin), so everything in it is consider as a cgi file, so if we access the log file it will respond with a 500 error, is there anyway to make a specific file extension being handle as text/plain, not being trying execute like cgi-script ? My code: import logging logging.basicConfig(filename='protected.log') logging.warning("will be logged")I've tried create a htaccess that contain: AddType text/plain .logIn both cgi-bin and "/" directory, but this doesn't work. Also, if there's anyway to make the log file being write in parent ("/") directory also ok as the fix.
  4. You don't see a python script running because before the time of your checking, the code has stopped bc Johnny server went down. You're right, the slow is because of the Johnny server, just a requests script can't make the website slow as hell The "stop.py" in the link that you give me works perfectly.
  5. Delete everthing thing (.htaccess, apache handler,....) and try use this: #!/usr/bin/python print("Content-Type: text/html") print("") print("Hello") or this if the above doesn't work, but the above worked for my script. : #!/usr/bin/python print("Content-Type: text/html") print() print("Hello") Remember to chmod the cgi-bin folder and the file to 755, not 644 nor 777, must be 755 to work. If you're using Python 2.x then remove the "(" and ")"
  6. So i have a Python CGI that make some post requests (requests lib) for a certain number of times, My friend've use it and put in 1000000 (1 million) for testing but it keep running and make the whole website slow down, is there anyway to stop it ? Tried renaming the cgi file, but it keep on running even after rename.
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