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Everything posted by mwebz

  1. You just have to wait for the DNS to propagate, it could take just a few minutes to 1 day, in your case looks like the second. check this page, it shows you what are the dns values of your domain from different places http://www.whatsmydns.net/
  2. mwebz

    DNS stuff

    if you change the DNS server at godaddy you wont be able to use GoDaddy's TotalDNS. you can do 2 things 1) Keep godaddys dns servers and just point an A record to (Heliohost ip) or 2) Change the dns to ns1-epic.0sites.net and ns2-epic.0sites.net and modify the mx and cname records from your heliohost cpanel
  3. Yep looks like we are out of disk
  4. bah, then there is an error in the error message
  5. Hello, i tried to register a account a few minutes ago, i like to use complex passwords so my password had a / in it, i filled the form, read the terms, and clicked Register Account. The system didnt accept my password because of the /, and told me to use only letters, numbers and underscore. Ok, than i went back to the form, and this time replaced the / with _ clicked the Register Account again, and now i got this message: We're sorry, but the daily signup limit has been exceeded. Please try again tommorow. Well now i will have to wait A simple A-Z a-z 0-9 and _ next to the password box would be nice Cya tomorrow
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