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Everything posted by mrj

  1. mrj

    GoFundMe Complete

    I already did. Am I getting extra space?
  2. @wolstech yes, only chrome has such issues. But they don't pop-up or something so I think that is not a big problem. Most peoples don't uses chrome also.
  3. mrj

    GoFundMe Complete

    Hi, Can I request for double space too? It would be great to having 2GB of space.
  4. mrj

    Ftp and account

    Here is some tips: 1. First of all, you should wait minimum 24 hours to get any kind of external domain working. 2. If the domain you added was on another hosting before please remove it first. 3. Make sure your target domain's nameservers are set to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org 4. If you are on Johnny server than it is very common issue. Tommy and Ricky doesn't have such issues. Move to one of the mentioned server.
  5. If you are getting informations from a HTML form, then try using $_POST or $_GET instead of $_REQUEST $_GET Not recommended for your script because of security reasons) From php documentation: The variables in $_REQUEST are provided to the script via the GET, POST, and COOKIE input mechanisms and therefore could be modified by the remote user and cannot be trusted. The presence and order of variables listed in this array is defined according to the PHP variables_order configuration directive.
  6. As far as I know, Chrome doesn't show secure, not-secure or not fully secure flags based on your SSL or hosting. Please Read this.
  7. mrj

    Ftp and account

    Login to your cpanel. Go to Aliases and add the domain wijma.ga. Then your websites content from timwijma.heliohost.org will be available to wijma.ga.
  8. Hi, I am late. But I just donated a very small amount. Please list my name for lily's account. I am waiting for a long time for this day. Thank you.
  9. Okay, the informations you needed: 1. I get email addresses when someone sign up to my forum 2. There is a subscribe and unsubscribe link in forum and topics both [Example: Go to here and visit any forum or thread. You will see how it works. 3. I am not sure but maybe I would need to send over 100 emails per day or more or less. 4. Example email: Hi Krydos, wolstech just posted a reply to a topic you subscribed. {horizontal line} {message} {horizontal line} Click here to view the topic If you want to unsubscribe from the topic, click here Sorry for being late.
  10. Okay I will give you these informations within 3 days. I need to complete my project first.
  11. @Krydos Thanks for your fast response. Yes I need to raise the limit. But not right now. I need 3-5 days to complete my project. Then I will publish my forum. When users will start to joining my forum I will obviously need to send more emails per. So it would be great if you can raise the limit. I would like to give you any information you need.
  12. Yeah. I am working on a material designed forum for mobile device. So I need to send emails to user about their subscribed posts, password reseting, email validation and so on. I am using my own GMail account as sender. Somehow, I got a notice from gmail.com that sending email was falied from my email because heliohost limits it. I sent only one email and I can't send more. By the way, the forum is not public yet. So there is not a chance to sending too many emails. I am wondering if I can have no limits or increased limits for sending emails. Thanks
  13. Hi, Does heliohost limits user to send one email per hour?
  14. Yes, setting up in servers location is realy costly and pain. Never mind. It was just an idea.
  15. Oh, it is okay. I think we dont need a proper CDN because our community isn't so large. However not every user wont need this. It would be a good Idea to start with whatever we have. It is my opinion . I am wondering if it will be like http://cdn.heliohost.org. And users can add content from their cpanel after login. ☺
  16. Hi Admins I am not sure if this is right section for posting this. I am wondering if heliohost can provide CDN for registered users. It's just a Idea.
  17. mrj


    [bold]Updated:[/bold] Here is my site: MerajBD.Com. I am Working hard on it. Working on it as hobby. Manually coded and material designed. Also coded on a phone. Basically It's a blog site. Hope you like it .
  18. I am from Bangladesh. It is in Asia.
  19. Hi, Is it possible to set subdomain path to outside of public_html? I tried to set to outside of public_html but cpanel automaticaly sets to under public_html directory. So is there any way? For example, set subdomain path for test.domain.com to /home/mrj/test instead of /home/mrj/public_html/test If it is possible somehow, I would like to request to do so. Thanks in advance.
  20. Thank you so much for your nice advice. I will remember it. Thanks again.
  21. @Krydos you are always a good admin. I should listen to you. If you are saying for getting suspended. Then there is a high chance that I will get suspended soon . I dont want to loose all of my hard work. I know it sounds crazy, but could you remove ffmpeg? I dont want to get suspended. Please???
  22. @wolstech Sorry, my bad! Why linux command emulator, while the server is linux itself. @miwilc I need ffmpeg for a script. So installing it in mobile isn't a good solution.
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