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Everything posted by warpdog212

  1. Domain: http://www.digitalgeekwork.heliohost.org Username: warpdog or warpdog212 Server: Johnny When I log into the forums, etc. I use "warpdog". However the identifier in the upper right shows warpdog212. A little confused as I haven't been with you folks for a time. The reset password and Confirmation number not working as I never receive an email. Possibly and old email address? Thank You.
  2. warpdog Stevie digitalgeekwork.com
  3. Checked the requirements a little closer for Plone and chose to err on the cautious side and not attempt an install at this time. Memory requirements appear to be quit large with 512MB ram available as a minimum for a relatively functional site. There are some options regarding the Zope requirement as web server including using a product called Repoze but again I need to do a lot more research on this CMS. Thanks for the input and hope to have a running copy in the future.
  4. I have been reviewing a number of different web-centric solutions and wondered if Plone is supported on HeliHost?
  5. Please reset password for digitalgeekwork.com warpdog Thank You. (Embarrassed first post is a n00b error)
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