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Everything posted by flatpad

  1. Hi everyone, and thanks to you/those that have put these services online. Although web design and hosting hold few secrets for me, MySql, app creation and hosting them is another ball game, i don't know jack.... So hopefully somewhere somebody can help me understand a few things!? I have a MySql chat made in Visual basic on visual studio 2015, it works fine locally. So far I have imported my DB through PhpMyAdmin and the tables are set, before i uploaded i noticed it says 'Host: do i need to change this before re-uploading it? I have already manage to upload this to my ISP MySql but they don't allow remote access. Within my App it is asking for connection info as follows: On my ISP services i received the info by email, here i am a little unsure, although my DB name is obvious server=SOMETHING.heliohost.org; user id=MYHELIO USER ID; password=My HELIO PASSWORD; database=My DB name What do i need to change the bold red info with. Do i use my helios user name and password? I have tried with this so far: server=johnny.heliohost.org; user id=MyHelioUserID; password=MyHelioPassword; database=db_MyDataBaseName" and get this message error: Authentication to host 'johnny.heliohost.org' for user 'MyHelioUserID' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Access denied for user 'MyHelioUserID'@'%' to database 'db_MyDataBaseName' The green part looks like i am using the wrong password I forgot to mention, my app needs the user to create an account before using it which is stored in the DB, as i said this works locally thanks in advance. OK after a short while i realized that i had forgotten something So if anyone else needs it/ BEFORE server=johnny.heliohost.org; user id=MyHelioUserID; password=MyHelioPassword; database=db_MyDataBaseName" AFTER server=johnny.heliohost.org; user id=MyHelioUserID; password=MyHelioPassword; database=MyHelioUserID_db_MyDataBaseName" Thanks again for the services i will put your name forward ;-)
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