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Everything posted by aleksefy

  1. Ok, i commented out those rows. But i cannt resetting the apache service. Do I have to wait for some time?
  2. Thank you for your attention. After renaming the Internet.configuration I get "ASP.NET works." Can you tell me where to look for the problem in the website?
  3. Hello. Sorry, i am neophit. I have site on platform asp.net 4.5. I publishing it on Tommy. And as you can saw on http://aleksefy.heliohost.org site don`t work. It views list of files my site: Name Last modified Size Description ApplicationInsights...> 2017-06-24 20:49 5.8K Content/ 2017-06-24 20:52 - Global.asax 2017-06-24 20:49 96 Scripts/ 2017-06-24 20:53 - Views/ 2017-06-24 20:54 - Web.config 2017-06-24 20:49 3.3K bin/ 2017-06-24 20:51 - fonts/ 2017-06-24 20:52 - images/ 2017-06-24 20:53 - mynb.zip 2017-06-23 05:14 6.1M packages.config 2017-06-24 20:49 1.9K site.zip 2017-06-23 04:52 6.4M test.aspx 2017-06-23 07:34 440 Opening test.aspx, i getting error message "RunTime Error" and having in footer: Version Information: (2017-02/5077205 Wed May 24 13:16:08 UTC 2017); ASP.NET Version: 4.0.30319.42000 <customErrors mode="Off"/> didn't help to detect error. Before to deploy the site on another hosting I had to migrate the project files to the hosting and the site immediately began to work. Please explain what my error is. Thank`s all.
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