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Posts posted by leegold1

  1. Hi,


    So I noticed at my local library there's some kind of firewall action. If I go to http://lgpchelp.heliohost.org it will block the site by what seems to be a local firewall. But if I do https://lgpchelp.heliohost.org it goes to the site OK. it's adding the HTTPS that makes the difference. I assumed this is a configuration issue with the library.


    But on the other hand, other sites I've tried that use/enforce only HTTPS will work at the library, so even if you used eff.org it will go to the site OK and it will auto-magically convert to HTTPS prefix. So is there a configuration that heliohost can do to work like that?


    So when my site shows in a google search at the library it gets blocked because maybe I registered w/google the lgpchelp.heliohost.org. I suppose I can nix that and register it with https. But with other sites like I said it does not make a difference.


    I don't know enough about Apache and server protocols so I don't know what the fix is. I see 301 redirects and I see something called HSTS that might be applicable server side. Kind of lost here.


    Lee G.


  2. Hi,


    I have a website on Tommy, the address has the form thiswebsite.heliohost.org. So I have not bought my own domain name but just using heliohost's "feature" to get my URL...would it be called a sub-domain name? My user name is just prefixed onto heliohost.org.


    Given this, should my site be appearing in Google? Or does Google "want" my own domain name? Will search engines "spider"/crawl and index my site as it is?


    I eventually will get my own domain name but wouldn't be a good thing to have some degree of search engine presence?



  3. Hi,


    I've tried to follow all the posts and instructions I could find but I cannot get Filezilla to connect. I want to edit using my editor via ftp, the Cpanel editor is not my cup of tea.


    I set the Filezilla timeout to 60 secs.


    my account is lgpchelp and I think I am on tommy server. If you could link me to the latest current, simple instructions I would be grateful.



  4. It's weird sometimes it times out- about 85% of the time.


    Other times I can get into Cpanel. When I try my web site on heliohost only half the page renders.


    helionet is OK, but the library's got the issue w/ heliohost.


    I emailed the library to ask them what's up with this. Hopefully my question will be routed to right person and will post any thing significant they say.


    I actually have not tried this at home, will ASAP.

  5. Hi,


    Please link me to an answer because this potentially a very basic question. I'm on the Tommy server with I think beta script. I went into c panel and I put an index.html file in the public_html folder (think it's called that). When I go to my new new site it times out. I've tried about 10 time over a couple of minutes and it always times out.


    Is there something else I should of done? I appreciate the free web hosting sincerely. But, it has to work...up-time has to be comparable with other quality hosts, it has to be "good". My page is modest, I'm not hogging bandwidth or anything like that.


    user: lgpchelp



  6. Hi,

    I'm trying to do a super simple web page and I notice that helionet.org is timing out and also my web page I got from Helionet also times out, I can get other web pages - my internet connection is fast, but helionet is a problem. I appreciate the free webspace, but it has to work. As of right now it's not I'm sorry to say.


    user: leegold

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