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Posts posted by hasson

  1. Hi, It's been a while and Ive been through things that made me far from the computer, 

    Luckily I got better and would like to come back. 


    Account name: hasson (during the Tommy fiasco, could you retrieve it?) or move my current account (though, archived) to Tommy?

    Transaction ID for the donation:  3CD37165W75648059 (Paypal)



  2. It really isn't. We've had many users who've gone elsewhere for some reason or another...only to come back because the features and uptime were better. A lot of the reason we can offer this type of performance is because we make an active effort to control load and remove abuse. We have a few more restrictions than others (registration limits, cron limits, CPU/RAM limits), but put together, they keep the server running fast.


    If you take a look at Johnny history on the monitor, he makes a good example of what happens to servers without our restrictions (we intentionally allow this to happen on Johnny so users can sign up easily and play around with stuff without getting suspended for overusing resources like on Tommy/Ricky).


    Another interesting fact: cPanel's support team has said we've successfully crammed more users on a single server with their product than anyone else they've dealt with.


  3. That's about right for Tommy. Our numbers for the week are 99.31% uptime, with the 0.7% down due to a user who caused high load. I've been on tommy for about 6 months now and have had very few issues (prior to that I was on Stevie, which is now Ricky, for 5 years with only 3 notable outages, one of which was planned).

    thats so not normal on free host


    hi please change h----l@gmail.com to g----1@gmail.com :)



    and change my forum name to hasson :P



    the ftp isnt working :\

    could you check this up mate?

    Tommy is not


    i just put my site adress and it gave me that ip for some reason


    i still cant change my email, moving me to password change page




    oh and im still queued :\

  5. hi please change *sniff* to *sniff*


    and change my forum name to hasson :P


    i already donated,
    may i please get a invite link?

    Thanks for letting us know that you donated. For some reason Paypal didn't send me a notification of the new donation like they usually do.

    For anyone else who happens to read this thread, if you use https://www.heliohost.org/tommy/ to donate you will get your invite within seconds instead of having to wait for me to send it out manually.



    oh and https://puu.sh/w7FVm/b91a13a551.png

    the ftp isnt working :\

    could you check this up mate?

  6. Thank you for the donation :) Krydos is the one who handles invitations for PayPal/Skrill invites, so he will send it when he receives notice of your donation.


    It will be sent to your PayPal email address within 24 hours (usually they come much sooner). Since you're using Gmail, be sure to watch your Spam folder. I've seen invites end up there in my gmail account. If you don't receive it by tomorrow, I will escalate this to have it resent.


    i want it to my private email which i wont post here

    will i be able to change it?

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