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  1. hasson

    Tommy Upgrade

    Ill be happy to be a V2 tester! Account name: hapoel
  2. Hi, I hope you did not forget me
  3. Ive attached a screenshot from my paypal ^^
  4. Hi, It's been a while and Ive been through things that made me far from the computer, Luckily I got better and would like to come back. Account name: hasson (during the Tommy fiasco, could you retrieve it?) or move my current account (though, archived) to Tommy? Transaction ID for the donation: 3CD37165W75648059 (Paypal) Cheers.
  5. Hi, it says the username is in use, could you please check it up for me? Username: hasson
  6. Hi, I need an invitation to Ricky and since I am a donnor (Transaction ID: 3CD37165W75648059) I would like you to send it to the email: email@gilhasson.com Thanks! And would you please clean the domains from the cluster? fastdl.site fastdl.pw hasson.heliohost.org Many thanks and apologies, Hasson.
  7. when I empty the trash, it does not delete it for me, like ive got no premission
  8. Hi, cant delete the csfun folder from my public_html folder, why is that?
  9. delete ninjahas and gimme invite bro hassonpanel@gmail.com
  10. 3CD37165W75648059 Please set my account name to Hasson
  11. Hello, yesterday ive set my account for deletion, but i regret that. new account: ninjahas old account: hasson please merge them and if you can bring me back to tommy, ive donated few months ago, if not, i will donate again but please check the option for that because i dont have lot of money. hasson.mxc.ninjathis will be my domain
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