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Posts posted by cmh

  1. Hello. For the first time I try to understand this topic, but there are questions.
    I create a test procedure
    DROP procedure IF EXISTS UserExist //
    CREATE procedure UserExist (IN UserName VARCHAR(50), out RetMsg int)
        SELECT id INTO RetMsg FROM Tab WHERE user = UserName;
    DROP procedure IF EXISTS SomeAuth //
    CREATE PROCEDURE SomeAuth (UserName VarCHAR(50))
        DECLARE pid int DEFAULT 0;
        DECLARE pMSG int DEFAULT 0;
        DECLARE pFile Mediumblob;
        DECLARE IsUser VARCHAR(20);
        set IsUser ='DefVal';
        call UserExist(UserName, @pMSG);
        if pMSG = 0 then
          set pid = 0;
          set pid = 1;
        end iF;
      select @pid, @pMSG ;
      END //
    call SomeAuth('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'); 

    In return i have:

    @pid @pMSG

    <null> 20

    and so, I do not understand why

    pid =<nul>?

    why not 0 (as default value) or 1 (as if statement).

  2. I did not have any more ideas, I tried all the options, but now I think the problem was that as a server I used Domain, not IP.

    In addition, I added CF. Let's see how it will help me. My main problem is that I could not Connect to MySql when the site Was down.

    You can give me a little more time to understand how this affects me? Then I'll write about the results and / or delete the mirror.
  3. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/29691-solved-tommy-down/?do=findComment&comment=134302

    My mirror used only When Tommy is down (MySQl)

    From post bellow, I thought that can create mirror.


    Unfortunately, the tomy are often unavailable for about an hour. So I'm trying to solve this problem. When the volume is unavailable, the data is taken from Ricky.


    You can make sure that these are simple rare requests. I do not overload the system

  4. i use only one client (firebird) and did not change the password, and now the old password works. The problem happened when the hosting was down. and my client tried to connect. ( ~UTC 04.50)

  5. Now I have an exe that loads a certain encrypted File in Blob - Field.
    I want to implement this through the form on the site.
    That is: the user on the site fills the form, presses the button and my exe Encrypts the file and then sent it to the database.
    Is it possible to ? exe-win32
    Of course, if I need to, I can provide the source code of my EXE (PM)


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