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I understand you cannot immediately unsuspend my website, due to a technical problem. Therefore, please do up a nice tarball of www.theinternetprayerwheel.info and email it to me as an attachment, and I will resolve my problem by placing it in a server I now own elsewhere. Sorry it did not work out. -Respectfully, Kirk Bailey kbailey@howlermonkey.net :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
I have been good, like Santa says I should, and my brains arn't made of wood, they just rhyme gently. So this mail did come to me, says my sites up in a tree, and I should go and log in to unstuck it. But the page it leads me to, is stuck like elmer's glue, and cannot open up my site to run well. See, The internetpraywheel.info requitres little to no maintance at this point; there is no NEED to go there and log into cpanel. So it goes along, and I get a unstickme message, I go there, and all is well again for a month. But THIS TIME, there's nothing it can find to unstick. Wow; the message only got here today, it's not like I created the illusion that it is abandoned by not responding. Anyone with proper cleance and clue, please reactivate theinternetpraywheel.info! And please email me at kbailey At howlermonkey DOT net. If you cannot reactiate it, do me a flavor and zip everything up and email it to me, and I will take it elsewhere.
I this a real concern? Are we at risk of losing heliohost? We are at risk of losing a free ride. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Hosting is not TRUELY free, it costs. Maybe noyt you or me, but it costs SOMEONE. Thus far, it was costing Google. This may be about to change. So, worst case, we form a CO-OP and turn heliohost into a member owned cooperative, and it comes with modest dues. Scrape it up, we're talking short beer money here, not gasoline for the month money. $5 a month for membership perhaps? Dig it out of your student load cash, pay a year at a go, we can keep heliohost alive come what may. SYSOP: stick a donate buttun through paypal on the footer of every page you know how to serve. BS walks, money talks. Got anything to say people?
And was rewarded fr my efforts with a BLANK SCREEN. [bleeped!], over?
So the script eraser.py does not work. Worse, there are no clues in the server log, as it does not show me any script errors. This is a python script. The shebang is correct; it is the same as the one in another script which is working properly. This program is to overwrite a flat text file with a new rather terse one to wipe the prayer wheel clean again. The password is fed to it using a ?QUERY STRING after the name of the script, as: "http://www.theinternetprayerwheel.info/cgi-bin/eraser.py?2knockthedooropenuse1hammer". That is not the password, merely an example to illustrate the use. Here is the actual script code: #!/usr/bin/python # # import os, string, sys # print 'Content-type:text/html\n' print '<html>' print '<head>' print '<title>Erase the prayer wheel time!</title>' print '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=http://www.theinternetprayerwheel.info/index.shtml" >' print '</head>' print '<body bgcolor="black" text="00FF00" links="0000FF"> # password=os.environ['QUERY_STRING'] # os.chdir('..') # filecontents="""<hr width=50%><marquee bgcolor="black" behavior="scroll" direction="left" delay="1" scrollamount="4" onMouseover="this.scrollAmount=0"onMouseout="this.scrollAmount=4" loop="INFINITE" >Ohm Mah Nee Pahd May Humm...</marquee><p>""" # if password="1crunchyyogayummy": print 'password OK. Erasing the wheels...<P>' f1=open('prayerwheels.txt','w') f1.write(filecontents) f1.close() print 'Wipeoff complete. AUM....<P>' else: print "<font color="FF0000"><B><BIG><BIG>WRONG!</big></big></B></face><i>GRRrrrr</i>... Woof! The temple dogs are barking!<P>" # print 'Do ZAZEN for 10 seconds for the home page. OR, you can <a href="/">CLICK ME</a> if you like.<P>' Please advise on why I get a general unspecified error. -Kirk
Usually, apache defaults to a file name in the webroot directory when you just appel to a server with the domain, but ono page name, but HERE if you do not issue a page name, it gives you a page declaring that the site is qued for creation- but if you ask for a created page, it serves it. Why is this, and why can I not define a default page, not even when I use .htaccess to declare one? Also, can you explain the answer to life, the universe, and everything? NO, not "42", it has been changed.)
And it's not just my domain; helionet and heliohost also vanish at the same time. Why-come and how-for does the whole shebang vanish and reappear in name-space? Are your name-servers having an issue? At first i thought it was just my site; then I went to go ask a question about this here, and helionet was down as welo- so I tried to bring up the home page for heliohost as well, and it was vanished as well. WOAH. Now I am icq #27840081 and I welcome direct contact if you see me online, and want to discuss this. Being outside looking in can be a useful asset for groking some sorts of netwoprk issues. -Kirk
I imagine the old counter was in your cache. Here's an idea; turn the cache off. Can we do that?
EDIT: Seems the Counter Manager doesn't like the name Counter as the data file, so anything that doesn't use Counter should be ok. As far as your python script, try adding these two lines to your root .htaccess file. AddHandler python-program py AddType application/python py ok, now it gives me the sourcecode of the file! Sheesh! Also with this data: <img src="/cgi-sys/Count.cgi?df=prayerwheel.dat|display=Counter|ft=6|md=6|frgb=00;255;0|dd=3"> It still barks like a dog. I should solve the first issue with scripts not working, then write my own maybe? Try making another counter and give it a totally different name and see if that works. AND NOW the bloody counter works, automagically. This box is haunted. you need an exprcist? I have a nice new england witch on tap if you need one.
ok, now it gives me the sourcecode of the file! Sheesh!
Why, you 3 are! I thought that helioshost was seeking status as a 503 non profit corp! Therefore, are you not a not for profit business organization? Or at least an organization? Why are we quibbling about legal terms when part of the system is not working properly?
You have to be careful when giving the counter a name. It can't have a space in the name. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/ssi.shtml The code in my page is: <img src="/cgi-sys/Count.cgi?df=Counter.dat|display=Counter|ft=6|md=6|frgb=139;139;0|dd=3"> There is no space in there, and it is the code provided by the firm. Please advise.
The counter you provide does not work. It displays at the bottom of the page, but the box reports and error: 'cannot write to counter.dat'. Apparently you have a permission error in an area I cannot get at. Also the program I installed in my cgi-bin 'eraser.py' fails to execute, in spite of having the same shebang as the program I have which works, and having proper permissions. Can you advise me on this? Maybe take a peek? -Kirk
ok, I have a new script, eraser, and it will erase and rewrite the prayerwheel.txt file with only one wheel to start with, the permanent one at the top of them all.which is included via SSI into the page. The script has (it appears) the correct shebang. Permissions 755. It barks and dies. Hmmm, what the heck? Let's see if it fixes itself like the other one did. I decided on using a resetting script instead of an editing script. Also, the counter program already installed in the server is a pooch, it does not display. The code is: <img src="/cgi-sys/Count.cgi?df=Counter.dat|display=Counter|ft=6|md=6|frgb=139;139;0|dd=3"> 'Cound not write to counter file/var/cpanel/Counters/Counter.dat' appears in the box, not a counter. sigh...