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Jeremy Reed

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. z-index: 1;
  2. http://jreed.co.cc/ Hahahaha. I guess i was showing everyone my website today because my control v is my site. Disappointing.
  3. http://jreed.co.cc/ here's my site. someone tell me what they think. i'm still working on the design (right now theres a big flaw with firefox, im not sure about IE)
  4. [Wed Jun 09 20:41:17 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/jreed3s/public_html/favicon.ico [Wed Jun 09 20:41:17 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/jreed3s/public_html/500.shtml I don't have any code to display a favicon though.. I don't know what 500.shtml is either.
  5. UPDATE: It works now for some reason. Problem resolved? False alarm. That was my 404.shtml . It apparently works, because i typed in the wrong address. All I did was delete my index.htm and insert an index.php into its place. I haven't even put any php code in it yet, it's all still html. How do I get rid of this error? Edit: Correction.. My index.php has: <?php include('about.htm'); ?> Here's the error: i just read chaotic's post on this error and i'm thinking it may be the same reason.
  6. Thank you so much!
  7. I was wondering if i could possibly change my main domain name from "redhawksracquetball.heliohost.org" to "jreed3s.heliohost.org". If this isn't allowed then that's fine, but I'd appreciate it. My username for it is jreed3s Edit: Sorry for asking. I know the other forum is for asking questions, but I figured this is where I would get the request completed.
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