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Posts posted by ziad87

  1. Oh, that's why I wasn't able to reproduce it. My account is on /home not /home1

    It is possible, but isn't the NAS and Tommy both on the same local network? Isn't the null routing only effective outside?

  2. The attack started shortly after we banned ~150 phishing sites that signed up over the course of a week (mostly paypal phishing, and significantly more than normal), so my theory is that its retaliation for us banning some clown who wanted to phish paypal accounts.

    Seems to be half working at times, but only barely. Even cpsrvd barely responds.


    It seems Cody has taken a hit too. Helionet.org and Heliohost.org seem to be slower than usual.

    • Like 1
  3. Sign ups are on a daily basis. When sign ups are full, they reset on midnight UTC.

    Then you can sign up. After Johnny is more stable, he will have unlimited sign ups per day.

    • Like 1
  4. Um, you are able to proceed as HSTS is not enabled. Also you don't need WHM. It is only for the admins. The problem with cpanel DCVs are that they must check with non secure HTTP, any forcing of SSL will stop the certificate getting issued.

    You can use wildcard domains on let's encrypt too.

    • Like 1
  5. A while ago I tried adding a domain through a firewalled place. I had to disable client-side scripts or else it would redirect to heliohost.org/login. As such I dont think the domain added correctly, since I tried deleting it to change the subdomain and location. Trying to delete it shows:


    You do not have control of the subdomain for “nz0123.ga”.

    Can you delete it and its associated DNS entries? Then I will re add it.

    Also autossl seems broken. It normally signs in 5 minutes.

  6. You install cpanel, it installs the latest release.


    Now Johnny will be regaining his uptime. On the heliohost site at the bottom it shows online!

    @Piotr GRD You should fix the monitor for Johnny. (and cpanel monitoring)

  7. Okay, I am sorry. Either proxies are not allowed or I caused high load. Most probably the second one as I don't see anything regarding such proxies.

    If it is the case of high load, I will create a subdomain CNAME record and host the proxy portion somewhere else. (it only needs PHP)




    EDIT: Yeah, makes sense...



    Because HelioHost is a free webhost, we have many accounts on our servers. If one account is using too many resources it slows down the server for everyone. Therefore, we are careful to suspend any account that is using more than its fair share of CPU cycles and memory. Note that more often than not, a HelioHost account's overuse is caused by running cron scripts too often. Other causes include running resource-intensive scripts, such as proxy software.

    Please PM me a copy of the /home/ziad87/public_html/proxies folder as a ZIP.

    Then please delete it, and unsuspend me.  -_-


    I really really hope I didnt just cause major downtime  :o 

    Either that, or I'm IP blocked.

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