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  1. Thanks for pointing this out. It is indeed browser related. I am on a linux box and updated my browser. Now it works. Strange. Thanks for sharing. Alex
  2. Hello, When I login I get what is below. My username is alobel1 and I am on tommy2. What do you advise? Thanks, Alex --------------------------------------------------------------------- Type TypeError Message t.at is not a function Stack trace C/<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/views/smb/web/view.js?11b106923d440a16f4de:23:28456 render@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/views/smb/web/view.js?11b106923d440a16f4de:23:31631 renderRow/k<.children<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:69:186398 i/<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/externals/prototype.js?1705674352:1:15931 renderRow@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:69:186235 r@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:69:195335 render/q<.children<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:69:195979 i/<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/externals/prototype.js?1705674352:1:15931 render@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:69:195966 Ri@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:77485 Ei@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:77283 Co@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:120627 yc@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:108832 bc@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:108760 vc@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:108621 cc@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:105764 Vs@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:46664 rc@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:102858 ti@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/ui-library/plesk-ui-library.min.js?1704918628:35:68150 C/S</<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1705674352:51:5320 C/_<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1705674352:51:4422 C/S<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1705674352:51:5312 de/ee/<@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1705674352:36:18337 ee@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1705674352:36:18324 te@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1705674352:36:19581 re@https://tommy2.heliohost.org/cp/javascript/vendors.js?1705674352:36:23508
  3. I have the same issue. At login a TypeError and showing a long stack trace. What should I do? My username is alobel1 on tommy2 Thank you for any help with this.
  4. Ok thanks for this. I donated 20$, hoping the work can continue. Transaction ID: 9NY103161U0412353 Alex
  5. Hello, my account alobel1 on Tommy was recently set Suspended because I went 2.5 MB over my subscription Disk space of 1000 MB. I have deleted a number of older files and think I am back using under 1000 MB disk space and do not overuse resources anymore. Can you please lift the suspension of my account on Tommy? Thanks, Alex
  6. Thank you for the prompt reply. Sorry perhaps I misunderstand, but it sounds as if you indicate that even with the VPS it is still possible that my brass-db-one.war file (which is still my home directory) cannot be deployed for returning to its status from before the cPanel problem occurred about a year ago? For the time being I would be fine if I knew the atomic database is back online, so I can point my new students to it before restarting any discussions to improve the JSP interface.
  7. Hello, hope I am not disturbing but was wondering when/if we would be allowed to deploy again Java/JSP war files on Tommy. Pleks is now working great for me on Tommy but I was wondering if/when I could continue my Java developments and testing on Heliohost. The new academic year is about to start and not sure anymore about working on Heliohost without having any Java/JSP. Thanks for some ideas/words. Alex
  8. Thanks for the update, I would vote for java.
  9. Hello, I have just made a Plesk transfer donation via PayPal with Transaction ID: 71X84165YJ5661033 which should be credited to my user account on Tommy: alobel1 . I would like to continue using MySQL and Java JSP on Tommy. I also noticed you still have my old email address. Please remove the word lonestar from it so: sdf.lonestar.org should be changed to sdf.org Thanks, Alex
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