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Everything posted by atn2017

  1. Ok. Probably you'll send us an email about it... I'll wait for that !
  2. Excelnt. Like a Premium Account.... Perfect to me !! Do you guys need to implement that on servers, or can I donate today ?
  3. Sounds good to me. Better would be if I could, for example, donate, lets say, $20 for a whole year... and no logins required for 365-days. =)
  4. Inactivity was my fault... I didnt know that....Well... my site does not require me to log in. Im done with it and all my updates to DB are done via Excel VBA. Is there a way do add me in a exception not requiring the monthly CPanel login ?
  5. a. username: atn2017 b. server: tommy c. main domain: atnranking.heliohost.org Hi there! My account was suspended and I could renew it. But in order to avoid this happen again, I'd like to know what happened because this is a simple site that friends use to schedule / post results for tennis matches, so nothing that I judge as prohibited per HelioHost.org rules. Thanks! Paulo.
  6. My 1st attempt was using UTC, but didn't work. I'm now trying Pacific Time..... Let's see.... well... I check up on https://time.is/PST ... it says 1h earlier..... I'll do again with 1h later.... Worked, @Byron ! Thanks, pal.... Perfect... Is there a way to confirm it in the future ?
  7. well... I check up on https://time.is/PST ... it says 1h earlier..... I'll do again with 1h later....
  8. By the way, are you on Tommy ? PST right now is 8:07 AM......
  9. Your cron hasn't run yet. The server time is PST. As of the time of this post, it was 8:36 am. Thanks ! I was wondering about it... Because I checked tommy time zone at http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/server-time/, but I think it's wrong....
  10. I also tried running a cronjob from a php command: php -q /home/atn2017/public_html/cronjob.php But it didnĀ“t work anyway. Any tip ?
  11. Hi there. I tried to add a cronjob on Tommy Server for a simple SQL update query on my DB using the command below, but it didn't work: mysql --user=DBUSER --password=PASS --database=DBNAME --execute="UPDATE table SET colunm=value;" I've set this cronjob to 13:30 20th MAR but nothing happened. Do you guys have any tip on the syntax I used or where can I see the log for this query ? Thanks! Paulo.
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