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Everything posted by bigblackboxx

  1. I've had my domain hosted here for a while now and lately the server stability seems to be quite poor... 500 Internal Server Error about 90% of the time as of late... The site loads... from time to time, but more often then not fails. Even the helionet.org isnt loading most of the time. What is causing all the down time lately? And is there any chance we will be seeing this issue resolved in the near future? Or are we all just gonna have to wait for the new server to be added for things to settle down? I really have liked your free hosting thus far, but lately it's barely functional.. at all... making it quite difficult to do anything with my site at all. xXx BoxX
  2. Sounds like you've been busy Glad to hear you're making progress to improve the server stability. It's unfortunate that people feel the need to abuse such a great free service, but the rest of us appreciate all the work you put into keeping things running as smoothly as possible. I saw mention of an additional server being added in the near future maybe? I can't seem to find the post again... boxx
  3. Just glanced at the server status again and more ugliness =/ Not completely sure how to interpret all the warnings tho. Got a minute to explain what the warnings and other symbols signify? boxx
  4. Finally able to access cpanel... for the moment. Doesnt look very pretty tho =/
  5. Server usage has been spiking ALOT this morning... really slow page loads, now cPanel is toast. Servers that overloaded? or is something else goin on this mornin? boxx
  6. Thankyou kindly good sir! ^^ boxX
  7. Thanks byron. Appreciate the speedy service around here. boxx
  8. Account: boxx Domain: bigblackboxx.com Web Server SSL/TSL cert obtained. (startSSL) Can I get a dedicated IP to complete the setup. Much appreciated, boxx
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