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Posts posted by giteshss2

  1. Greetings!


    I am trying to create a simple application in java FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE.

    In that, I want to create databases dynamically.


    eg.: when i register, i get a database.

    ONLY TRIAL BASIS, nothing more than that.


    I have tried that with remote access from my development machine to tommy.heliohost.org, but i am getting an error while creating database. ALL OTHER TASKS ARE WORKING FINE EXCEPT THIS ONE: create database.


    Error: Access denied for user '*******'@'' to database '**************'

    *: my user and database names.


    Is it possible?

    Any suggestions?

    I again declare that it is ONLY for learning.



  2. Mail will still be sent from HelioHost. The MX records control where mail is received (they're used by someone else's mail server when their server looks up where to deliver the mail).


    So yes, you will still have a 50/day limit. The software you are using has to be designed to support an external SMTP server if you want to send using a different server. if the software uses the php mail() function, it will send using our server.

    Thanks...will take care of that.


    Also, in the MX entry page, in the host when i type

    mx.yandex.net.(the last dot especially), it says invalid entry...


    Will it work without the last dot?

  3. In the last 6 days you've sent 12 emails from your account.


    Sure on that...but my question was different.


    Actually i was confused that..after configuring my yandex account for this domain, will the limit of 50 mails exist? Because i "might" be using yandex to send mail but not heliohost.

    Will my mail be sent from heliohost domain after this? Or yandex domain?

  4. Not clear about adding an MX record with the mentioned contents yet.


    Name Type of record Priority Host
    @ MX 10 mx.yandex.ru.

    My CP is not flashing the above fields.

    • no type: MX.
    • no priority field
    • no host field.


    What shall I do. If my problem is silly, sorry for that! Trying this for the first time.

    Thank You.

    Have checked the link by Krydos.

    Also, on the MX entry page, I read that this will "DIRECT INCOMING MAIL....."

    So, Had a small question.


    Aware about the daily limit of 50 mails on heliohost, After having my domain linked with yandex, will my OUTGOING mails go from heliohost server? WILL THE LIMIT COME INTO PLAY?

    Just don't wanna get blacklisted! SO HELP ON THIS QUESTION IS ALSO EXPECTED!

    thank you.

  5. I want to attach one of my domains to my yandex account. I have connected my domain but now it is asking me to make an MX entry.

    The details of the entry mentioned there does not match with the options i am getting in my CP.


    Please help me configuring the same.

    Posting the details here:



    Value — “mx.yandex.net.”.
    The dot is required at the end of the server name. In some control panels, the dot is assumed automatically. In this case, you don't need to add it.
    Priority — 10.
    If a priority of “10” is not allowed in the control panel, enter any other priority other than zero.
    Subdomain name — “@”.
    In some control panels, you need to enter the name of your domain instead of “@” (for example, “yourdomain.tld.”). If you are not able to set either “@” or the domain name, leave this field empty.
    If this field isn't shown in the control panel, you don't have to set it.


    Add MX record and create your first email account.
    Name	Type of record	Priority	Host
    @	MX	        10   	        mx.yandex.ru.
    Note: if @ is invalid then try your naked domain. e.g. example.com (not www.example.com).
    Optional (but recommended)
    Add SPF record:
    Name	Type of record	Host
    @	TXT	        v = spf1 redirect = _spf.yandex.ru

    Guide! Thanks a lot!

  6. Greetings!


    Being new to the business, I am not yet exposed to PHP.

    I joined heliohost because of one reason: IT PROVIDED asp.net and java hosting. I IGNORED THE REST :mellow: sorry!

    I am good at java and asp.net. But am worst at PHP!

    Earlier, I thought it doesn't matter at all to know PHP when knowing java and .net. But, now, I wanna correct myself! would love to expose myself to php too.


    For this, I tried many things: W3Schools tutorials, thenewboston.com tutorials, etc. but neither of them worked!


    Have heard many things about PHP5, PHP7, Yii framework, etc.


    Can someone suggest me where to start with? what would be the best of it to learn?

    Also, I don't wanna spend a lot of time leaning. I wanna learn all the basics and then spend a lot of time practicing, implementing and developing!


    So, please guide me accordingly!


    courtesy: heliohost - for exposing me to many technologies, tools and services. Even not being useful for current work, they motivate you to take a step towards learning them! It's awesome. Thanks a lot!! Got many stuffs to groom!

  7. Pleased to see interesting replies! Thanks a lot.


    It would be possible to do this without even using cpanel api. You could create a default email address in cpanel. What this does is ANYTHING that anyone emails to your domain ends up in this inbox. So even if you don't create krydos@example.com and someone sends an email it would end up in default@example.com if that was your default address. Then you could write a script in php or something to create accounts for people. Then when they log in to your script it looks through the default email address that has everyone's emails and only shows the ones that line up with their username.


    Any wiki article about this? Would love to give it a try! FOR MYSELF!


    The week I spent building my solution taught me more about mail servers, IMAP, and handling mail in PHP than I ever wanted to know. :P


    Would love to learn too. can you give any suggestions on where to start with. any link to your wiki page on this? or any tutorial link?

    It seems awesome to learn the things that you use regularly without knowing.

    Thanks again for such an interesting post! Guide - if possible.

  8. :D Thanks!



    This is an experimental system. I don't wanna overload tommy. But this can be useful to me someday!


    I care for Heliohost too, since I am a user!

    No way creating a spam web system or so. Infact I don't even wanna drive the system on Heliohost ANYHOW. (even if it isn't againt rules and Restricted)

    I love my account with heliohost. :PLEASE DONT 'SUSPEND ME! Its just a post! :unsure:

    Also, I too have set up my mail client against gmail. No doubt at that!...just wondering to learn something new; courtesy: heliohost!!!!


    Thought this and posted! To learn how I can build a system!!!


    Ok wolstech. Just be clear that I don't wanna build a public system. But still, can you guide me how can I create an experimental system? AGAIN REPEATING: NOT AGAINST ANY RULES!


    Will take care to avoid SUSPENSION. And continue being a Good Guy! :D


    Please consider once that I don't wanna buy a VPS. But "can" I PROGRAMATICALLY CREATE AN EMAIL ADDRESS FOR MY OWN? AT MY OWN DOMAIN?


    Not talking about PUBLIC DOMAIN.


  9. Greetings!


    The forum is quiet! So, let's have a discussion!


    I want to create a website where the users visiting my website can sign up and log in. Not all, but some; who are meant to sign up!


    • eg. for website example.tk, user should get an email id - user@example.tk.
    • I can do it from my control panel, but i don't want to do so.
    • I want users to signup and the username they enter there should be their address and should me added to my domain's email addresses.
    • Users should be able to access their accounts using webmail - which I can simply provide the link!

    This is an experimental system. I don't wanna overload tommy. But this can be useful to me someday!


    Please guide me through this!

    I guess the question is clear. If it isn't, let me know. I'll explain.


    Thanks Alot

  10. Johnny's hard disk failed. If you don't have a backup, you will need to start over. :(


    Yes, you will have to.

    I will suggest you to migrate to tommy due to some good reasons.

    The main benefit is the significantly better uptime. Johnny is meant for experimental websites and has more functionality, however it comes at the expense of stability.

    Tommy on the other hand is meant more for production sites...he:

    • Has much better uptime and performance
    • Lives on much newer hardware
    • Has tighter resource control; sites get suspended for load more easily to help keep that awesome uptime.
    • Has a slightly older version of cPanel (58 vs 60)
    • Multiple versions of PHP available (5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1)
    • Does not support Django.
    • Does not support Rails.

    I suggest you to donate some amount to the Heliohost to get an invite.

    Once you get the invite, you can directly signup for tommy without waiting. However, without donating, you have to wait, probably for days.


    Personally, I would suggest you to start up with tommy to recover your loss as early as possible.

    more at: http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/27053-from-johnny-to-tommy-difference/?hl=giteshss&do=findComment&comment=124102


    But is it good to access directory content insecurely! I don't think so! @byron


    Right now it's the only choice you have until we get this figured out. btw, I've always just used plain ftp. I'm not scared! ;)


    Sure! Am using it too by the way :rolleyes:

  12. Yep! Plain FTP(insecure) is working! In fact i am able to access the ftp using my android! using AndFTP app too.....

    But is it good to access directory content insecurely! I don't think so! @byron


    My filezilla is totally up to date. I redownloaded it today itself because of the issue.


    Have you tried these settings for just plain FTP? https://www.dropbox.com/s/6b5fnsy5b6cpvg3/filzilla-ftp-s.png?raw=1




    These settings aren't working too.


    instead, i used "Only use plain FTP(insecure)"


    Your steps threw these errors:

    Status:	Resolving address of tommy.heliohost.org
    Status:	Connecting to
    Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    Status:	Initializing TLS...
    Status:	Verifying certificate...
    Status:	TLS connection established.
    Status:	Logged in
    Status:	Retrieving directory listing of "/public_html"...
    Command:	CWD /public_html
    Response:	250 OK. Current directory is /public_html
    Command:	TYPE I
    Response:	200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    Command:	PASV
    Response:	227 Entering Passive Mode (65,19,143,6,87,213)
    Command:	MLSD
    Error:	Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
    Error:	Failed to retrieve directory listing
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