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Newbie (1/14)



  1. can you please unarchive my account (because of inactivity for a while) username : "hamzaku" main domain : "hamza-ku.heliohost.org" and thanks alot
  2. Hello there.. I have used the domain "hamza-ku.tk" in my stevie account and now i want to use it in tommy so can you please remove the DNS entry for my domain to allow me to add it to my tommy account and thanks for you.
  3. yeah it works fine now thanks a lot
  4. yesterday at midnight i created an account in Tommy server but when i try to login it says "Invalid Login" and to make sure when i request to reset my password i receive an email message and when follow the link in it and type my new password it says : "Uh oh, there was an error changing your password. The admins have already been notified of the problem, but if you would like us to manually change your password for you please contact support. You could also try reseting your password again." so definitely there is problem with my account can you help me ? my username is : "hamzaku" and thanks for you.
  5. Thanks for your support ..
  6. Of course i am sure !I used to login at "stevie.heliohost.org:2082" with "hamza" username and i can tell you whole account details !
  7. wolstech I am waiting for your reply for the exact explanation..
  8. my domain was hamza-ku.heliohost.org and my account email was sni******7@gmail.com
  9. how ?! for sure, the username i must enter isn't it the username which i always log in into cpanel with ?
  10. Hi.. I am Hamza I have an account in Stevie server and when i try to get a backup of my data at https://heliohost.org/backup/ it says "No Backup, I cannot find a backup for hamza and *my email*@gmail.com. You could try again, or open a ticket to see if an admin can manually create a backup for you." and i really need a backup of "mysql" database so what can i do ?
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