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Everything posted by teetwist1

  1. Thanks but when I want to install magento with sample data then I need to install it from zip file by putting on root folder. then this one problem I faced. please see this Image: http://i.imgur.com/9ymNkXB.jpg
  2. Hi please see the image for the error I faced when installing magento: http://i.imgur.com/9ymNkXB.jpg Thanks
  3. Please check this image. http://imgur.com/Biy7ppH please fix this for install magento. another error is: PHP Settings Check * PHP Documentation Your PHP Version is 5.6.28, but always_populate_raw_post_data = 0. $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is deprecated from PHP 5.6 onwards and will be removed in PHP 7.0. This will stop the installer from running. Please open your php.ini file and set always_populate_raw_post_data to -1. If you need more help please call your hosting provider.
  4. softaculous saysone php extension missing,,, Required PHP extension not found : xsl ( magento has a new update v. 2.1.3)
  5. Hi When I was trying to install magento 2.1.3 manually by download and extract the zip file on root folder,, when I visite my site for install it says : "Vendor autoload is not found. Please run 'composer install' under application root directory." I dont know how to do that. When I was trying to install magento 2.1.2 it faild because of magento on softaculous Required PHP extension not found : xsl I dont find any option on cpanel that can enable that php extension. Can you help me & suggest me what to do next. teetwistbd@gmail.com www.teetwist.com
  6. <p>thanks</p> <p>now its working</p> <p>hope jhonny will give us 99% uptime inshaAllah</p>
  7. I can not creat account after move to jhonny and also change username Account Status Your account has not been created yet, but it should be soon. Refresh the page to check again. teetwistbd@gmail.com user: teetwist url: teetwist.com
  8. Thanks for your kind information. I will try as fast as i can to creat my new account. I guess i had a steive and now i have nothing to login. So i can do that anyway. Aslo thanks for your information. Ill try to catch signup process at UTC midnight.
  9. why you dont recomend that. I want to go to Jhonny and want to change the user name aslo. Is it for security purpose only?
  10. Hi When i was creating account on www.helionet.org before my steive account on www.heliohost.org Thats why i can not create both site with same username. It conflict with eaach other. 1) My www.helionet.org username= teetwist 2) My www.heliohost.org username =teetwis1 I want both or only heliohost.org site with this user name (teetwist) Please can you do anything. And the last thing is I want to move my steive account to jhonny account. STEIVE: username: teetwis1 Email: teetwistbd@gmail.com JHONNY: I want Jhonny account like this Username: teetwist Email: teetwistbd@gmail.com Thanks for your effort and support us with free service. Thanks
  11. I need too change my server
  12. Mysql server is running now. thanks a lot can you change my username cause when tomorrow i register with a user name say its unavailable but it was available a fow minutes ago . but i register on www.helionet.org with this user name. so i can sign up with that user name on www.heliohost.org . Can i change my server steves to tommy? because i need updated version of php . Thanks
  13. HiCan you please increase my disk space 500mb to 1000 mbI just validate my email on the new site url but i dont have 1000 mb disk spaceMy email: teetwistbd@gmail.comUsername: teetwis1Thanks
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