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Everything posted by teetwist1

  1. Thanks one more thing : Can you recover "pages" database ? That will be very helpfull
  2. Thanks username: ttwist domain: teetwist.com How can i get this file please: "wp-content/plugins/tshirtecommerce/templates/components/main/store.php"
  3. This validation code doesn't match any accounts in our system. It may have already been used, or if the code is more than 48 hours old it may have expired.
  4. I can't login and can't create a new account from same username . How am i going to find this file from home folder ?
  5. or, Can you please help me to recover one file named: "wp-content/plugins/tshirtecommerce/templates/components/main/store.php" Thanks
  6. Is there any way to recover some data ?
  7. Can you please unsuspected my account? teetwistbd@gmail.com teetwist.com tommy
  8. Thanks. now site is live
  9. thanks for looking at this manually
  10. sorry it's more than 24 hours but same suspended message
  11. it's been 6 hour's. Still doesn't work.
  12. Suspended account. Renewed by login but doesn't work. teetwistbd@gmail.com teetwist.com tommy
  13. How to Escalate ? Can you explain please Oh I Understand. Need some admin/root touch-up Waiting ...
  14. Please can you release my account. username: teetwist server: Tommy domain: www.teetwist.com Thanks
  15. Hi I have changed my custom DNS server to point my hosting (ns1.heliohost.org, ns2.heliohost.org) . It was about 10 days ago but my domain didi not connect to my hosting. I contact to domain provider support live chat. They (namecheap) check my account and told me I have attached our conversation so that you can understand. Please fix this problem. EMAIL : teetwistbd@gmail.com WEBSITE : www.teetwist.com Thanks Mesbah
  16. I will try to remove sample data as i am in the Magento learning process Thanks
  17. Thanks Now I can use tommy server. As i mentioned in previous comment if there any chance i can get more space by donating some 5-10 usd in future if i need, will you allowed? I dont need right now but if i need and run out of memory then i will let you know. Just want know know before start launch my site. Thanks again
  18. Thanks but I didn't get any tommy invitation yet and i see my account is still on jhonny server. Email: teetwistbd@gmail.com Website: www.teetwist.com Previous account: jhonny Need invitation: tommy Transaction ID: 1975113696
  19. I don't have skrill so I Donate from my friends account with a different email for tommy invitation. www.heliohost.org Email: teetwistbd@gmail.com Website: www.teetwist.com Previous account: jhonny Need invitation: tommy Transaction ID: 1975113696 I will build my site with magento with a magento theme which will eat my disk space arround almost 600 to 700 mb (with sample data). For a small ecommerce site my requre some more space. When i need some more space what i have to do. give me a suggestion.
  20. Thanks Its working. :-) Now Im doing couple of test before set up final website.
  21. I am not a advanced user of magento. So I need to install it with sample data. I dont know how to install sample data after install from softaculas. Also I have a limited Internet package. But if you cant fix it it'll be ok because what I get is worth without money. Thanks for this service, I'll manage with the option available for me but if you can it'll be very helpfull for me.
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