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Chief Financial Officer
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Everything posted by Ashoat

  1. Ashoat

    Termination Week

    Crap its not working, your account should be deleted! Lol, no offense. Better fix it.
  2. Yeh. Alright, I guess everythings fine. Just please don't make titles like that, I'm changing the title. It sounds like something bad happened.
  3. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    Whatever, I think its fine
  4. Nah, we need something related to HelioNet. Something that benefits it. Like the current competition.
  5. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    Hmmm...? It's supposed to be one computer... and I've never heard of multiple net connections...
  6. Ashoat

    Progress on Plans

    Just stretch it out alittle instead of it's default size. Also, add a link below the intro incase people don't want to see it >.< It would seem like that, wouldn't it? However, the buttons, logo, etc. are all imported graphics that will distort upon enlargement. You can see proof just by going to http://www.heliohost.org/home.swf. The SWF version always stretches to fullscreen. And about the skip button... you have a point. If only I had more time... or didn't feel as lazy I'll put that somewhere in my to-do list.
  7. ??? 63 is a blank line! Plus, I never called a member function once in the script. Try again. Were you logged in? EDIT I just looked at the path you gave, you're using the old one. Open "Hosting Account" in the header, that's the new one.
  8. What's the error?
  9. No problem, really.
  10. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    There are actually multiple VPSes on one server, but they function exactly like a dedicated server. Each one has its own OS, software, they have different IPs, you can't pass viruses between, etc. They just have less RAM, space, etc.
  11. Ohhh, oops. I thought you didn't buy another. Here, I'll do everything, don't worry EDIT fixed everything.
  12. You bought it already. You just have to use it - go to your inventory in "Hosting and Store" and find the item and use it.
  13. I'm here. I'll check the logs to see if anything happened...
  14. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    Yah but my friend leases nice shiny servers starting at $25 a month But they're actually VPSes... close...
  15. That's a factor too
  16. Ashoat

    Termination Week

    Accounts terminated. Auto-deletion script uploaded, and I have created a test account to see if cron worked.
  17. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    Hey, its a lot of money for a site like this
  18. PHP isn't good for video games because it would be as slow as a snail due to that fact that it compiles on runtime.
  19. Ashoat

    Termination Week

    Alright, today is the day. Goodbye, weel337 and Sudai...
  20. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    Ahhh! Today has set a record for most money-making day in HelioNet history. $8.62 in one day! At this rate, we will have a nice shiny server in two days.
  21. It has been proven that humans learn much better by experience instead of when they are told. Therefore, someone would learn better if they were haxxored because of a bad pass instead of if they were told to make a good pass.
  22. Haha, lol
  23. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    Yup. That, along with a manully-coded account manager and a database.
  24. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    O.o money!! I'm planning to get money as soon as my payment for google ads comes. Which might take a while, considering they give payments once you've got $100, and as of now, I have $74.50. I've made a deal with the owner of our parent host (he's really cool BTW) that he'll give me a really good price on a VPS (pretty much a complete server) in exchange for sponsorship.
  25. Ashoat

    Auto-display ads

    Sure. And I don't have the money for a server... I'm too poor.
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