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[SOLVED] Execution of php file via crontab


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I am trying to execute a .php file using cronjobs but it seems I am experiencing some trouble with the syntax I use.


I have set up in cpanel a cronjob with the following command to be executed:



And I have created the following simple .php file (see the code below):



echo date("F j, Y, g:i a");



The problem is that I cannot get to execute it, as I receive the following error:

/bin/sh: /home1/<myaccountname>/public_html/<myphpfile>.php: /usr/local/bin/php: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I would go on and try a couple of different options but I run out of permitted cronjob executions.


Could you please help me set up properly the cronjob??



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Should be:


php -q /home1/<myaccountname>/public_html/<myphpfile>.php


If you don't wish to receive an email each time cron runs, then:


php -q /home1/<myaccountname>/public_html/<myphpfile>.php >/dev/null 2>&1



Also you don't need this line for php files:




Just use php tags for any php code:


echo date("F j, Y, g:i a");

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OK, thanks for the input. It finally worked but with a small update in your code (replacement of option '-p' with option '-q'):


php -q /home1/<myaccountname>/public_html/<myphpfile>.php


p.s: how can I mark this topic as [sOLVED]?

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OK, thanks for the input. It finally worked but with a small update in your code (replacement of option '-p' with option '-q'):


Oops, sorry for my typo. I hope it didn't cause you too many headaches! :( I'll edit my post to show it corrected.


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