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*all passwords in this post have been replaced with a "*"


I have been using a PHP script Byron gave me a while back (below) to password protect a directory. (original script @ http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/temp/password.txt)

// maximum number of seconds user can remain idle without having to re-login (use a value of zero for no timout):
$max_session_time = 30;
// type of alert to give on incorrect password. This can be a file name or email address:
$alert = "";

// acceptable passwords (there are no limit to the amount):
$cmp_pass = Array();
$cmp_pass[] = md5("*"); 
$cmp_pass[] = md5("*");

// maximum number of bad logins before user locked out (use a value of zero for no hammering protection):
$max_attempts = 3;

// end user definable variables

// save session expiry time for later comparision
$session_expires = $_SESSION['mpass_session_expires'];
// have to do this otherwise max_attempts is actually one less than what you specify.
// store md5'ed password
$_SESSION['mpass_pass'] = md5($_POST['mpass_pass']);
$_SESSION['mpass_attempts'] = 0;
// if the session has expired, or the password is incorrect, show login page:
if(($max_session_time>0 && !empty($session_expires) && mktime()>$session_expires) || empty($_SESSION['mpass_pass']) || !in_array($_SESSION['mpass_pass'],$cmp_pass))
if(!empty($alert) && !in_array($_SESSION['mpass_pass'],$cmp_pass))
// user has submitted incorrect password
// generate alert:
$alert_str = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." entered ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['mpass_pass'])." on page ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']." on ".date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A")."\r\n";
// email alert
@mail($alert,"Bad Login on ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],$alert_str,"From: ".$alert);
// textfile alert
$handle = @fopen($alert,'a');
// if hammering protection is enabled, lock user out if they've reached the maximum
if($max_attempts>1 && $_SESSION['mpass_attempts']>=$max_attempts)
exit("Too many login failures.");
// clear session expiry time
$_SESSION['mpass_session_expires'] = "";
<title>Enter Password</title>
<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post">
<h4>Password Protected</h4>
<input type="password" name="mpass_pass">
<input type="submit" value="login">
// and exit
// if they've got this far, they've entered the correct password:
// reset attempts
$_SESSION['mpass_attempts'] = 0;
// update session expiry time
$_SESSION['mpass_session_expires'] = mktime()+$max_session_time;

and on my index page I have a list of links.

if($_SESSION['mpass_pass'] = md5("*"))
echo "<li><a href='/Administrator'>Administrator Control Panel</a>";
<li><a href="/Roundcube">Webmail access</a>
<li><a href="staffsites.php">StaffSites</a>
<li><a href="directory.php">Staff email directory</a>
<li><a href="customer-selection.php">Payments and invoicing</a>

I want to log in using password "*" and have the "Administrator Control Panel" link appear in the list and when I log in with any other password I don't want the "Administrator Control Panel" link appear. I tried using the code in bold, but the link appears regardless of what password I use. What do I need to do/what code do I need to use to fix this issue?

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