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I have problem with remote connection to MYSLQL database. I created new database with a new user assign to it. I add a "%" to remote access host. As server I used johnny.heliohost.org but I get an error while trying to remote connect. What I am doing wrong, or how else I can try to connect?


I am using the user witch I created for database, I am trying connection with MYSQL-Front program. And I am getting "I cannot connect to MYSQL server on "johnny.heliohost.org""

I am using the user witch I created for database
What is that username?


I am trying connection with MYSQL-Front program
Could you try creating a simple PHP file (eg. dbconnect.php) in public_html on your heliohost website with the following code and navigate to it (eg. http://yoursite.heliohost.org/dbconnect.php) in your browser?


$server = "localhost";
$username = "FILLIN";
$password = "FILLIN";
$db_name = "FILLIN";

mysql_connect($server,$username,$password) or DIE("Couldn't connect locally.");
mysql_select_db($db_name) or DIE("Couldn't select database.");
echo "Database connection successful.


Replacing FILLIN with your details.


I cannot connect to MYSQL server on "johnny.heliohost.org
Unfortunately that error message isn't very specific. Is there any way you could get more details on the error? Could you also try what I have suggested above? :)

I have not used my account for nearly a month, and i get an e-mail that mu account is about to expire. I log into Cpanel as it was said that I should do it. But I am getting HelioHost Account Queued while i am trying to visit my website. So probably this is the problem? Did my account been suspended? My username is Decho and domain is ampmetal.heliohost.org.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

using System.Data.OleDb;


namespace AMP


public partial class AMP : Form


public DataTable tabela_Faktura;

public DataSet data;

Funkcje funkcje = new Funkcje();

Faktury faktury;

String serwer = "johnny.heliohost.org";

String username = "decho_user";

String password = "********";

String db_name = "decho_AMP2";

public AMP()


MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server=" + serwer + ";database="+db_name+";uid="+username+";password="+password);


this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;





catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show(ex + "Błąd połączenia z bazą danych");






MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server=" + serwer+ ";database="+db_name+";uid="+username+";password="+password);

Just thought I would call to your attention that server is spelled incorrectly (highlighted above). Could that have anything to do with it?


No, serwer is just a name for String variable. (String)serwer value is "johnny.heliohost.org". I used user name, password, and database name the same as I used with test on localhost and it connected without any problem.

Guest Geoff

Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize you were connecting locally.


What version of MySQL Client are you using?


It is working. I deleted databases, users and remote host - %. And created everything again following the same steps as before and it worked. I don't know how it is possible but it is working, Thank You for all Yours help.

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