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Change from external to Helio Host Domain Name


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I have purchased a domain name with another provider,

and registered and uploaded files with HelioHost using this domain



However, I would like to use a (free?) Helio Host domain name instead :




How would I do this? I have managed to change my domain name

to lisaoconnorart.co.uk (not the name I want though),

but can't find where I did this.


Also: Am I correct in thinking that HelioHost handles the registration

of the domain if of the form '...heliohost.org' (and name resolution etc)


Excuse my ignorance, am new to Web Site Design


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You can change your main domain using the script available at:




Also: Am I correct in thinking that HelioHost handles the registration

of the domain if of the form '...heliohost.org' (and name resolution etc)

I am not sure if I understand. Could you explain it a little clearer, possibly with an example?
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Here is some further explanation of my question about domain registration etc.


When I have purchased a domain name from another registrar, I believe I must

inform them of the helio host name servers :


eg. with 'lisaoconnor.co.uk' I must tell my Registrar of the Helio Host name servers :


ns1.heliohost.org &



However I want to use a Helio Host registered domain name, ie.:




Will you set up the name servers to resolve this name, or do I need to do this myself, and how?


Apologies for the basicness of this question.







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Thank you for your help, I've successfully set up my new domain name on Johnny.


I know that it's up and running, as I can display a simple html page.


I've developed a site in ASP.Net, and the web pages have the suffix .aspx

but I can't seem to view these, I get the following error message :


'Internet Explorer Cannot Display the WebPage'


I've uploaded all the required Image Files, Styles and Scripts, along with a bin, directory,

and associated .dll and .pdb files.


Is there any more configuration that I need to do?


Any help would be much appreciated.




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