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Guest Geoff

Yes, you should be able to upload it via FTP.


If you made the backup with "cpanel full backup", and you upload it via FTP, I can restore it for you:




[You won't be able to restore it via cpanel, if it's a full backup]


You shouldn't have any problems ftping it to your home directory but you'll have problems when you go to untar the backup. It won't restore your files like you think it would. According to the cpanel backup instructions you'll need djbob's help. Especially if you have sub domains, mail, parked domains, etc.







I see you edited your post Geoff. :)


Guest Geoff

Please post the absolute path to the backup, your username, and your server.

Please post the absolute path to the backup, your username, and your server.


username : rostamia

path : /home1/rostamia/backup-3.21.2011.tar.gz

Server : Stevie


Domain : ariapeda.ir


Thanks a lot

Guest Geoff

According to the documentation on that command I posted, it might do some ugly things with an existing account.


I'm going to attempt to restore it manually, and see if that works first.

Guest Geoff

OK. Your files have been restored, but you'll need to restore the SQL files via phpMyAdmin, and update your database names.


Also, looks like you have not registered the domain AriaPeda.ir. You won't be able to access your site until you do that.


Thanks a lot

But now I cannot access my CPanel !

I can see the blue wallpaper of CPanel but that's all !


I saved the page and attached the page... but my Avira Antivirus detects Cpanel Page as HTML/infected.WebPage.Gen !

It seam that the backup files was infected ! :wacko:


Please delete my files :(


I'm sorry ... I didn't know this problem at all :mellow:




Guest Geoff

Probably due to high server load... can you try again?

Guest Geoff

BTW, your domain is http://ariapedia.ir/. You misspelled it before.


OK, I think I've fixed that issue. I'm going to restore your databases now.


OK, looks like your forum is working, just give it 24 hours.




@Geoff - For my own future reference, how did you restore the backup at the command line? Did you just extract the files from the TAR.GZ? How did you restore the MySQL (etc) stuff?



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