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Cron Job disappear


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Hi, i'm newbe here.


I wanna ask.


I'm newbe on Cron Job.

I make a new Cron Job in my CPanel account.

But, when i log in to my CPanel account in the next time, i get my Cron Job disappear and there's no Cron Job in my Current Cron Job.

Is Cron Job has lifetime or something?

Should i make a new-same Cron Job again?


Sorry, my english is poor.

Thanks in advance.


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Guest Geoff
Should i make a new-same Cron Job again?


Try making the same cron job again.


What command are you using? It seems to work fine on my account.

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What command are you using? It seems to work fine on my account.


i was using this command: /usr/bin/php /home/phantkid/plurk/plurkbot.php


i have folder plurk in my home directory, and file plurkbot.php within it. I want to run this file automatically every hour, so i use


0 * * * * for time and using command /usr/bin/php /home/phantkid/plurk/plurkbot.php


Is something wrong with my command?

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You can't have a cron job run every hour. Your only allowed 2 cron runs a day.


ah, so that's the reason.

thank you so much.



btw, can i get special exception if the reason is, let say,just to make bot for my account in plurk.com so my acount can make new status automatically?

and, it is said, to get some special exception for the rule about cron, i have to contact support. how can i contact support?

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Guest Geoff
btw, can i get special exception if the reason is, let say,just to make bot for my account in plurk.com so my acount can make new status automatically?


Why don't you use http://www.setcronjob.com/ ? You can just make a PHP file with your cron, and then set it there.



and, it is said, to get some special exception for the rule about cron, i have to contact support. how can i contact support?


Well, this is support, and you are 'contacting support' right now. We usually only allow exceptions for a couple of days or so, like you can run a cron each hour for a day while you are beta-testing your site.


I can escalate this and check with djbob, but he will probably deny your request, since it's not for a limited time.

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More cron runs == Higher server load == Slower server


djbob rarely gives away free cron jobs, due to the reason above. Why not use Geoff/byron's methods? They basically replicate the setup you desired.

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