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Domain Error


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My domain seems to have been hacked somehow as the files on my site are now not being shown and it is showing a unknown directory listing that is not hosted on the site, hosting glype. I have checked the files and there is no redirect visible under htaccess or cpannel, and i cannot see any changes to the files.

Please addvise quickly or I will have to take offine via DNS, (have checked that to still pointed here).

Address) http://devizesfairtrade.org.uk/

Please Help


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All sites on your partition are experiencing this issue. ;)


We apologise for any inconvenience. As far as we are aware this is not a hack - simply an issue with the file system.


Please keep discussion related to this issue in the escalated topic at http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=8965


We will also post any updates we have on our Twitter page, @HelioHost



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