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Unable to add group error


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Hello, I have been trying to get hosting set up on Johnny, and I'm getting an Unable to add group error.


Dear atyler, (note: I have tried several other usernames as well)


Your hosting account at HelioHost has been added to the creation queue. Here is your account information:

Username: atyler (note: case sensitive!)

Password: *************

Domain: atnet.heliohost.org (note: I have different domains as well)

Control Panel URL: http://atnet.heliohost.org/cpanel


Please note that it will take up to 24 hours before you can log in, and up to 48 hours before your website is up and running. Also note that your account will be automatically pruned if you do not log in to your control panel for a period of one month.


If you would like to check the status of your account in the creation queue, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/status.php?username=atyler.



HelioHost Staff


So, all seems fine. I check the starts at about 60, goes down a few after a few minutes.


Then, every time I've tried, I get another email.

Dear atyler, or whatever username I chose

Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is:


Unable to add group atyler

- Hide quoted text -


Please visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/signup.php and try to signup again.



HelioHost Staff


Also, now when I try to check the status of the account, it can't find it.


What am I doing wrong?


Thanks in advance,


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