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Dear all,

The sweet note first:

Thank you very much for the possibility you to open up a free hosted website. If it works as I hope I will transform it in a paid one ASAP.


There is a bitter note well.

Yesterday I've been able to begin to work on the site code, unfortunately starting from some time in the morning (around 10 to 11 am CET) the FTP transfer has been impossible. I am using FileZilla that usually works fine, or the internal FTP service of Dreamweaver.

The site was accessible but impossible to transfer files unless using your Cpanel system, it works but not as friendly as FZ or DW.

This morning I began at around 8am CET (GMT +1) and worked fine until around 11.30 CET when the site went suddenly offline (404 error) even if Cpanel, FZ or DW continue to work fine.


I am not very experienced PHP coder so I need to frequently see the real stuff, and this problem affects me quite a bit?


Could you explain me this?

Thank you in advance



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Glad you appreciate our service. :)


Unfortunately, Stevie is currently down as he is being overloaded by abuse to the server. We are doing our best to get Stevie back up.


Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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