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account suspended help please!


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I receive a mail and says account suspended today as a result i cannot log in to cpanel. it say to renew a link but when I click this link is loading and nothings happen.

Some help please!!!


account username: stergos

cpanel login link: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.html


The link says:


We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error.


What happen is says that in 1 week my account will be permanently deleted, lol!



Update: I try again to log in to cpanel again and is successful log in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, Stevie has gone down as he is currently overloaded. ;)


Check again later. ;)


I try to leave a comment to an old topic "Account queued" but is locked. I would like to say that after Johny is online the last period with Stevie was very good! I always visit forum to place my problems and most of all the downtimes which stevie had to the past. Today I visit this forum to say "Thank you Helios for this free and good service, and to admins for a good work too!!!"


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