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  djbob said:
GentleOz: FTP seems to be working fine. You're probably accessing it at ftp://heliohost.org instead of ftp://stevie.heliohost.org (the former now points to Cody).


As for phpMyAdmin: is this the built-in cPanel version? If so, what URL are you using to access it?

Seem phpMyAdmin is work ATM...I'm accessing ftp via ftp.sdma.heliohost.org and that is working ATM too. I'm in Australia and during the day it seems to be OK - it drops out now and then. After 7pm local time (which is midnight PST) it is unaccessible. FYI local time here is 9:15am on Wednesday 2nd March.


I open phpMyAdmin via cPanel - the url I current have for it is http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/3rdparty/...6dbdc1f60cfd047


@djbob: this is the second time in like a day, is there anything underlying to fix?

Also, bump:

Also, just kind of as a sidenote, shouldn't we remove all the domains that we don't host anymore from the config so that httpd.conf takes less time to build?

Wizard: we just have a huge ton of accounts coming up for deletion since when that bug occurred a long time ago I had to switch a bunch of accounts to expire on a particular day.


And domains we don't host anymore are removed every day from the httpd.conf.

  stergos said:

I have register my account and use normal my website one month ago before some minutes click to open my website and lol!


"HelioHost Account Queued


Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel.


Thanks for choosing HelioHost! We wish you good luck with your website."


My control panel look likes normal.



I have the same problem with my site http://doswebsoluutionsinfotech.co.cc .But it can view through Internet explorer but open with firefox it says qued for more than threedays saying like tis in firefox.What can I do for this?


I can confirm that clearing the cache actually resolved the problem. In firefox, just click on Tools-Clear recent history-Everything-Clear now.


Thanks Heliohost admins. We hope that this problem shall be arrested in good time next time.


Wizard: you didn't actually run the script, did you? If so: I was already running it at the time. Make sure you check if it's already running next time.

  djbob said:
Wizard: you didn't actually run the script, did you? If so: I was already running it at the time. Make sure you check if it's already running next time.

I did check via ps aux | grep heliohost_nightly and only my grep came up, iirc.

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