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I have to head out real soon but I'll do my best to explain the situation.


Basically what is happening on my WordPress installation is either there is no CSS or some CSS features don't work. This only happens on the Admin Dashboard. Here is a link on it http://blog.ftwr.co.uk/archives/2009/09/29...f-smart-quotes/


If an admin could change the contents of my php.ini that would be great. I need default_charset to be on utf=8.


default_charset = utf-8


Thanks, and it would help if I knew the previous setting so I know if that was the cause or not.



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Can you post a link to your wordpress?


It appears I have made a grave mistake. I was temp. using another free hosting service before moving to HelioHost. I thought that service was HelioHost and freaked out. Sorry my Mom snatched the laptop out of my hands before I even knew what I was asking for. So sorry. On the contrary HelioHost works fine with wordpress transfers, etc.


Sorry for my stupidity once again.



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