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Did you write index.php or is it part of a software package? What other php scripts have you been running?

It was part of a software package, but the script I was running before was deathmax.co.cc/i/upload.php


Apache is setup to limit each user to a maximum of 5 forked processes at a time.

Sadly, I have no idea how to kill those processes.


Could you tell us which software package you are using?


If we find no solution, then I'll escalate this.


I know this is closed, but for other users, I just wanted to answer this quesiton:



Sadly, I have no idea how to kill those processes.


If you put set_time_limit(60); at the top of your PHP scripts, then your PHP scripts will kill themselves after a minute.


BTW, a minute is plently of time to do work. I see no reason why you would need longer than that.

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