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[Solved] Double account by mistake


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Hello Heliohost admins,

My name is Ababei Alexandru and i registered an account to your free webhost. I want to explain from the beginning.

Ive found you from google.ro and after that i clicked the signup button. I completed the form by the following data:


HelioHost Signup Form

Desired Username (8 letters max): aspkt or ababeia

Desired Domain: (i selected other then i writed) aspkt.ro

Password: mypass

Confirm Password: mypass

Email Address: myemail@yahoo.com

HelioNet Username: empty

Confirm that you are not a bot

Type the two words: the code

Check here if you agree to the Terms: checked


I got an email from you saying that the account is in que. After 1 minute ive got another email that sayd there was a problem with my account and i need to make another one cause the domain name is not good or something like that.


I made an account with :

username : ababeia

desired domain: aspkt.heliohost.org

And the other data...


Now, with this account i have no problem, but if i try to put an addon domain, i cant. And the big problem comes now...

If i made that account aspkt.ro (desired domain > other) and got the imposible email, why does my www.aspkt.ro still in que? Now, in my oppinion i cant create an addon domain becose that is already registerd ( or parked? )


If you can delete it or help me get things done, i will apreciate it... Also, ive read on the forum and none has this problem.


Thanks and god bless you.

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Hello again admins of Helio Host,

I think i've tried all the possibilities. I added an addon domain (tried aspkt.ro and checked, it didn't work, tried www.aspkt.ro, it didin't work), i tried a parked domain, it didn't work. I still getting a redirect when i check my domain to http://www.aspkt.ro/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi , this shouldn't happen, right?


What should i do now? Should i park www.aspkt.ro domain and let him stay there so can you check it if the problem is solved, or should i stop thinking that what i want to do, it's not possible anymore?


Thanks a lot for your rapid reply's and again, god bless you all and your business.


PS: Can you, DJBOB, enlighten me? What should i really do? Thanks.

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I deleted almost all my tests, and now, my final question before i add a parked domain is:


I have an addon domain (aspkt.ro), i want to delete it because i want to park the domain aspkt.ro but when i try to delete it i get:


"Sorry, the subdomain aspktro cannot be removed because it is linked to the addon domain aspkt.ro. You must first remove the addon domain."


I also tried to delete the subdomain before the addon. Now i really have troubles.




I've managed to delete the addon domain. Hope now will all be good. Thanks again for all your help.

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Evening all admins,

My website is ok now, thank god... but it's a problem with www in front of the domain. If i want to access my website without www in front (http://aspkt.ro) it works ( ftp > www > www.aspkt.ro [the data is in this folder]) but if i put it like this ( http://www.aspkt.ro ) i get a que page.


What should i do now?


my account : ababeia

my heliohost domain : aspkt.heliohost.org

desired domain : aspkt.ro ( with and without www )


Also, another question... if i create a subdomain i have to wait again 24 hours?

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