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I did a quick search and found nothing on this, so I am sorry if this has already been asked.


I just gave my friend a FTP Account and made a MySQL Database. I went onto his website and made a quick connection code and it worked. My question is that how can I get him a link to go to the phpMyAdmin log in screen. Does he have his own CPanel access also? I can't figure this out.


Maybe this will help for example information:


FTP Information:

HOST - ftp.website.heliohost.org

USER - joe@website.heliohost.org

PASS - joe123


MySQL Database:

HOST - localhost

USER - jeryj55_database

PASS - db123


That is all example information incase anybody could help me better with that.

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You can't. However, here are a couple work-arounds:


1. He can create his own account.

2. You can install phpMyAdmin on your site (I perfer sqlbuddy better), and let him use that.

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