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cPanel login still not accepted after 6 days


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It's been six days since I received my installation email, and I still can't login to cpanel or see an 'account queued' page when I go to the heliohost subdomain I asked for.


Having read through the forums I can see that there has been a problem with backlogged account setups, so I don't have a issue with waiting for everything to be sorted out. However, since I received my installation email on the 2nd and it's now the 8th, I also thought I'd better ask whether anything else is affecting my signup attempt.


Could someone please check whether my account is in the queue?



Username: halcyon

Domain: halcyon.heliohost.org



(Unfortunately I was also one of the users affected by the 16th December backlog - this is my second signup attempt after that one failed, so I have my fingers crossed that everything will go through OK this time:-)




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