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[RESOLVED] a or cname record for domain from my nameserver

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hello everyone, hope you're all havin a blast this new year :D


i'd just like to ask if i could setup my website the way i've done with my previous host:


1. i use my domain provider's nameserver - this is because i have all other records there that i don't want to migrate anymore to my website host's zone

2. i have an ip address from my website host server - they gave me an ip address to point my "www" and naked domain A records to so i can point all website requests to my account on my website host's server.

3. my website host has "s5ent.com" as my main domain in their system.


now for heliohost (which btw is an awesome host, glad i found this online while looking for a free php host), i have s5ent.heliohost.org as my main domain, and i added s5ent.com as a parked domain. however, i can't point my nameserver to your servers properly. i tried the following:


1. cname record for "www" to "s5ent.heliohost.org" - but i only get www.s5ent.com/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi

2. i tried an a record for "www" to "". this is the ip address i get for "s5ent.heliohost.org", but i still get www.s5ent.com/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi . i'm not even sure if these are right..


is this setup possible? i'm really hoping it would be. kindly help me go about this, thanks much.



Did you wait the 24 hours as posted on the page?


uhm, yeap for the hosting. if i go to s5ent.heliohost.org, i can already see my root index, but if i go to www.s5ent.com, i get the account queued page. right now my settings in my domain provider's zone file is a cname for "www" to "s5ent.heliohost.org" and a url forward from "s5ent.com" to "www.s5ent.com"; and my cpanel setting at stevie.heliohost.org is a parked domain for "s5ent.com" with the defaults. this parked domain setting i haven't waited for 24hrs yet.


do i have the right settings that i can wait on? if not kindly lemme know what needs to be done :]


thanks for the immediate reply!

Did you wait the 24 hours as posted on the page?


uhm, yeap for the hosting. if i go to s5ent.heliohost.org, i can already see my root index, but if i go to www.s5ent.com, i get the account queued page. right now my settings in my domain provider's zone file is a cname for "www" to "s5ent.heliohost.org" and a url forward from "s5ent.com" to "www.s5ent.com"; and my cpanel setting at stevie.heliohost.org is a parked domain for "s5ent.com" with the defaults. this parked domain setting i haven't waited for 24hrs yet.


do i have the right settings that i can wait on? if not kindly lemme know what needs to be done :]


thanks for the immediate reply!




I can confirm for you that your set up method should work. I have set up a domain here this exact same way. You seem to have made a typo in your entry of your domains IP address. Using the DNS Utility I see that the IP of your Heliohost subdomain is However, you have set the IP of your .com domain to You will need to change this in order to get your domain working.


Be aware, it takes 24 hours from the time you enter a domain in cPanel for it to move out of the "Account Queued" stage because Apache must be restarted and this only happens on a daily basis.


thanks everyone, it's all good now. here's my setup, in case someone in the future needs it - will save time and frustration :D


1. cname "www" in my mydomain.tld's own zone pointing to my heliohost domain

2. parked domain for www.mydomain.tld at heliohost cpanel

3. wait 24hrs :D


thanks again guys, you're the best. have an awesome new year


btw how do i close this thread as it already has been resolved? thanks again.

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