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I've applied for a hosting account for the domain http://film-fare.com. As per the instruction I need to change my nameserver to helios NS. I've already setup a few CName at my existing registrar. Is it possible to just point www to helios to host the site here or the only option is to change Nameserver?





It's recommended that you use nameservers, though you could probably rig up an A record instead. I forget how to do that. I'm sure you can find the right topic if you searched the forums.

It's recommended that you use nameservers, though you could probably rig up an A record instead. I forget how to do that. I'm sure you can find the right topic if you searched the forums.


Cool Thanks


Any idea what's the IP of host servers? Din't find it in the forums. Reverse DNS of HelioHost.org gave it this the correct one?

It's recommended that you use nameservers, though you could probably rig up an A record instead. I forget how to do that. I'm sure you can find the right topic if you searched the forums.


Cool Thanks


Any idea what's the IP of host servers? Din't find it in the forums. Reverse DNS of HelioHost.org gave it this the correct one?


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