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[Solved] Is Latex installed?


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Hi there


I've just made the setup for a Moodle 2.0 and I have managed to render equations thanks to the mimetex binary included in the moodle files. But the results are not very good.


In this topicseems that latex is installed in stevie, but I'm not sure. If so, what are the paths?



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We don't have mimetex server-wide, but we do have tetex server-wide. I'm not sure what path you want.


Thanks for the answer! I didn't explained it very well. Mimetex binary is included in the moodle distribution as a "plugin", but I asked if you had another latex already running in stevie, as the renders with mimetex are not the best.


The paths I would need are:

-Path of latex binary (e.g. /usr/bin/latex)

-Path of dvips binary (e.g. /usr/bin/dvips)

-Path of convert binary (e.g. /usr/bin/convert)



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The latex binary isn't in the system $PATH. Do you have any guesses as to where it might be? Or perhaps it isn't installed? (If so, what package would contain that binary?)


root@stevie [~]# which dvips


root@stevie [~]# which convert



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Hi djbob


Since 2006 unix-like systems use 'tex live' instead of 'tetex', as tetex is deprecated. If Stevie have tetex, the path should be /usr/local/teTeX/ or /usr/local/bin/teTex.


'Tex live' could be installed both from the package manager I guess, or from here


Best regards and thanks


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The package manager lists tetex as installed, but it isn't in either of the directories you listed. I even tried reinstalling it, and it's still not in either.


I can't find texlive or texlive in the package manager. Do you know what the yum package manager for RHEL refers to those packages as?

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