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Domain Name


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I was able to log in and upload all my files, but I get the error:


The requested URL could not be retrieved


While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.ivorycfields.com/


The following error was encountered:


Unable to determine IP address from host name for www.ivorycfields.com


The dnsserver returned:


Name Error: The domain name does not exist.


This means that:


The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.

Check if the address is correct.


Your cache administrator is root.

Generated Fri, 26 Nov 2010 20:29:55 GMT by webproxy.teachersfcu.org (squid/2.7.STABLE9)






Please HELP get my website up and running.





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We don't provide domain names. You'll either need to purchase ivorycfields.com from a domain name providor like Godaddy or use a heliohost subdomain. I can change your domain name to:




so you can use it if you like.


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