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Account suspended and all I ever did was use the host to try out CPAlead(recently got accepted) never even advertised any content or anything. Pure javascript and and image =/.

Just wanted to let you know what I thought. Goodbye, thanks for wasting my time.


So harsh.


You did not even let the admins know that you were having a bad experience. You posted short "sentences" on other post. If you had told the admins the problem, they could fix it. However, you expected them to "read your mind" and find yours, out of the hundreds of accounts hosted here was not working.


Good evening.


I have to disagree with Desugrace, however I have to admit he deserves a little credit.


First, this is not the only free host around. But from my little experience with free hosting, I can tell THIS has a lot of resources and freedom I can not find in others. To put it simple, I get from heliohost.org as much as I would receive from a shared paid host, without having to pay a cent. I don't even know how these guys are doing to pay for it and I can not fully understand it, yet. But they do, and for free! All I am asked is to put a little bit of effort in some basic points, but that is more than fair.


Now, I'm sure Desugrace had pritty much the same perception I have... until his account suspension. And I can understand his point of view. (Yet, he's not faulty-free in his claim).


Wizard, I don't agree about the 'fair warning'. I read the post in the link you posted and first, you just asked this: "Why does your website contain nothing more than a picture of a "download" button and a bunch of shady surveys?".


If I was Desugrace, I wouldn't think that means 'Why you have that? Either explain or take it out, otherwise we may suspend your account'.


Desugrace, in the other hand, FAILED to answer this direct question (no doubt he read it). Maybe if he did so, he would have known that the content was not acceptable. Not replying was rude from him.


Back to Wizard, your warning of the suspension was posted after Desugrace got his solution. Honestly, I wouldn't expect him to read it in that point of the timeline. Most people will not go back to a forum thread after they get what they wanted.


However, if I am not mistaken, the account is only 'suspended', not 'deleted', therefore if Desugrace was not this rude, I think he could have the chance to review the situation with you (Wizard) and find out what to do in order to have the account back to business.


Bottom line (about time for it), the whole thing is a missunderstanding (product of deficient communication) and I believe Desugrace over reacted. However... and this is a good-faith suggestion, isn't it possible for the admins to have a 'serious warning' button? So then, if you consider someone HAS to reply about something or face penalty, you can easily send an e-mail warning him to go back to the threat and reply in short time. Yes, I know it is not really the sort of things that go in the 'must-do' list, but I really regret to find posts like Desugrace's, and specially when a little bit of communication could have make it have a happy ending.


God... I wrote too much! And I came to the forum to ask something completely different...


I admit you do have a lot of features other free hosts don't have.

I didn't read the forum post where you asked that question as I have other priorities( I know you guys do too). I was having a bad day , and I would normally expect an email explaining why I was banned or suspended , which I did not receive. Yea , I know I should not expect greatness out of a free service.


I will still not continue using your hosting , as I am not one to say bad things , and continue using a free service.

Good day to you.


I didn't read the forum post where you asked that question as I have other priorities( I know you guys do too). I was having a bad day , and I would normally expect an email explaining why I was banned or suspended , which I did not receive. Yea , I know I should not expect greatness out of a free service.


Hi, Desugrace. Not to annoy you, but... no way you could not read the question. It was right before byron's response, the one telling you to use desu as username. It is really hard to grant the posibility of not seeing it.


I can, however, say that you did not pay much attention to it, because it did seem to be more a casual question (like: why are you wearing a t-shirt?) than a red flag question (like: why you wear a forbidden t-shirt?)


Sorry you are leaving us. I mean it.

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