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[Solved] PEAR extension not working

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I recently installed PHPList via Softaculous. I tried Fantastico and manual installation but various obstacles prevented me. Anyway! The root of the matter is that I tried using the placeholder for URL requesting to insert into an email. When I sent the test message, it warned me that PEAR::HTTP/Request was not installed. No problem, I looked in the PHP Extension section of CPanel and installed HTTP_Request (not HTTP_Request2, since that failed to install anyway). After all that, I tried the test email again. Same error:



Warning: You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP/Request is not available, so this will fail



Is there some wait after installing PEAR packages? I'm not even sure if this is an issue with the package itself or PHPList. Both are fully updated and I don't see any similar issues on the PHPList forum. The only bit I see is on THIS PAGE as number 9 in the Warnings section. I already did that. Any ideas as to what's up? I don't even know where to begin.

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Okay, go ahead and try again now.

Just tried it again finally--sorry, I've been busy lately. I can't give a yay or nay since now PHPList says "failed" when I try to send a message, test message or not. Once again, I'm not sure if this is an issue with PHPList or with the server. I do know one way of sending messages with PHPList is with PHPmailer, but since Softaculous installed it, I'm not sure if that is even coming into effect.


Just in case, djbob, did you edit phpmail() or how I use it at all? If so, that may have broken something else for me. If not, let me know and I'll pursue it further on the PHPList forums. Thanks for the help so far!

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