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Copy the perl script below into a file and call it 'time.cgi' and chmod it to 755.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI ':standard';
$current_time = localtime;
print header,
start_html('A Virtual Clock'),
h1('A Virtual Clock'),
"The current time is $current_time - PST.",


Let me know if that works for you.



Your ASP.NET file is getting a runtime error. Follow the directions you get on your screen to enable error reporting so you can debug it.


For the CGI file: what's your HelioHost username? You probably just have permissions wrong on some directory or file. Have you checked .htaccess in that directory, as well as the directory itself?


Problem with the CGI scripts you're running is that you have a you U+FEFF character at the beginning. Here, read this Wikipedia page. I've had this problem before and it's not easy to deal with in Windows. If you're running a 32-bit version, the command-line text editor in cmd (I think it's just "edit") can see the U+FEFF character, but most text editors just don't display it.


Alternately, if you're running Linux or Mac OS X or something, you can open the file up in vim and just remove that character.

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