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hey, I was working on a project website learning php useing your hosting, it was adcents.co.cc , before I ask you this let me say: I love your free hosting because you let me do everything i want to in php thanks for the learning experience ,


i was walking home from my friends house a while ago at 3 am and I got stopped by the copps and they arrested me and threw me in the bin for NOTHING!! i fit the description of someone who held up a convinience store.. lol? and since im basically a kid and i live on my own I had no parents to there to bail me out i had to sit in a cell for three weeks they dropped the charges but when I came back my website and account were deleted =..( is there any way for me to get my files back? I worked on it almost completely through control panel for like 6 months =( I did a backup not too long before and saved the zip on my computer but when i opened it just now there was just some random stuff and my mysql database, are my webpages hiding in there? please help! I would love to finish my website


***Its OK!!!! I answered my own question it was hidden in the backup i downloaded from you, it was hiding inside of a tar file NEVERMIND!!! yay!!! i thought I was gonna have to start from scratch =D

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