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[Solved] Can I have a dedicated IP for SSL?


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Hi, I am new here and I wish to install an SSL certificate to my site. I believe that this requires a dedicated IP. I have read in other threads in this forum that you can give me a dedicated IP address to allow me to do this. Can I have one please?

My username is rdownes and my domain is rdownes.heliohost.org. Thanks

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Do you already have a certificate, or do you plan to self-sign? If you plan to self-sign, are you aware that browsers will block people from your page?

I plan to get a certificate from startssl.com. In my investigations I saw another post recommending them and they look good - and free for the basic certificate. I was just waiting for a subdomain to be created so that I can create the certificate based on this 'clinichours.rdownes.heliohost.org'. Now I have the subdomain, I am going to startssl.com. Yes I was aware that self signing might not be so good.



I have just tried startssl.com and it says I have to validate the domain and I can not validate my subdomain. However, I can not validate heliohost.org as I do not own it! How do I get around this - I have seen posts from others who have done it?



Sorry - senior moment - the answer to my own question is register a domain! Thanks and looking forward to the dedicated IP.

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Have you registered the domain yet? Let me know when it's ready so I can setup the IP for you.


I think he was just waiting the 24hrs for his subdomain: clinichours.rdownes.heliohost.org, to show at his cpanel so he should be good to go.



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Hi djbob and byron,

Yes I have registered the domain www.clinichours.info and added it as an addon and as such I am waiting the 24 hours for it and the subdomian clinichours.rdownes.heliohost.org to show on cpanel.


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