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Guest xaav

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Guest Geoff



This should be a simple question for djbob:


What is the path to the php binary on your server?


I need this path so that I could execute a cron job. See below:


Recurring tasks scheduler (Cron Job)

This is the most convenient method if your hosting provider allows scheduling recurring tasks via crontab on *nix or "Scheduled Tasks" on a Windows server. Please refer to your hosting manual or contact your hosting provider for instructions.



Add the following entry to cron file normally in /etc/crontab in *nix systems and adjust the time and paths accordingly


*/5 * * * * nobody /path/to/php /path/to/api/cron.php


For windows users in "Scheduled Tasks" add "c:\php\bin\php.exe c:\website\osticket\api\cron.php"


I could not find it in phpinfo().



Thank you



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You set up cron jobs from the cpanel Cron Manager. If your running a php script your path will look like this:


php -q /home/geoff/public_html/cron_job.php


So it doesn't send you an email everytime cron runs, like this:

php -q /home/geoff/public_html/cron_job.php > /dev/null




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