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Got this error from my it-was-working-fine-forever-until-now phpbb install (I actually moved the MySQL DB from another host, but I don't think that should matter.)

General Error

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]


Got error 28 from storage engine [1030]


An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.


According to this, I'm out of space.



But this one says I'm suppose to talk to teh admin.



Now, I've been negotiating with a BOFH from a game whom our clan pissed off. Negotiations went sour last night. I really hope this isn't his doing, but I should /not/ be out of space.

EDIT: now I'm just getting a 500 error.


I also have a blank page while I try to access cPanel, but we get that a lot. What was the html url to that?

EDIT: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.html works fast, why is the php version drawing a literal blank? ;)


u/n: scythe

domain: mindscythe.heliohost.org

domain in question: nyxclan.co.cc

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